Side story 8 18+

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I was exhausted from the game. That was the most exercise I've ever done. I placed a towel around my lower body, while I dried my hair with another one.

Because it started sprinkling, Alexander and I return before everyone else, we decided to head back to our rooms.

I was lucky enough to have a room to myself and a shower. Sometimes being an omega has its perks.

Alexander said he'd stop by to let me know about the scores. I hoped it would be soon, I was swamped and exhausted.

A knock on my rooms door caught my attention. I walked out of the bathroom "Hold on" I stated. Maybe it was Alexander. Another knock happened but it was more aggressive.

I walked up to the door peeking out to see who it was. What does he want?

I slightly opened the door so that my body wasn't exposed. Ambrose pushed his way in and closed the door behind him.

"Hey! Why are you here?" I scoffed. Ambrose grabbed my face as he kissed me. It wasn't a gentle passionate kiss, it was aggressive and full of anger.

I pushed away from him as I gasp for air "What the fu—." I was interrupted by Ambrose picking me up over his shoulders "Hey! Put me down! I'm not in the mood to do it" I whined. Nothing was getting through to him. He wasn't going to stop.

"Amb— whah" I was plopped into bed. I looked at Ambrose. He began to release his pheromones. He only did that when he was really ticked off. He was in a good mood earlier, what happened?

"Hey, why are you upset?" I sat up. Ambrose placed his hand on my chest pushing me against the bed, his lips then met with mine again.

As usual, he didn't respond and did what he wanted. "Ambrose~~" I muffled through our kiss.

"Shh," Ambrose broke our kiss as he pulled his shirt off. He began undoing his pants.

"Wait we need a condom" I stated. Ambrose removed the towel around my waist "I'll pull out" he frowned. He placed my legs over his shoulders.

"No! We need one—." I gasped as Ambrose ignored my words and pushed himself into me. I dug my nails into his arm "It hurts" I whined.

"You'll get used to it. Fuck, you're tighter than usual" Ambrose grunted as he pulled out just to shove himself in again.

"You could've prepared me" I huffed. "That's not my job" Ambrose began thrusting "Shi~~"

I arched my back as a moan slipped from my lips "y-your going too fa-st Ngh~"

Ambrose placed his hands on my waist as he pushed into me, it felt as if he were trying to go deeper. I felt like I was going to tear, "damn you're sucking me in"

"Don't s-say embarrassing~ things like that" I covered my face.

Ambrose began to stroke my dick "Why not, you like when I talk like that"

"Don't~ not th~ere" I whined. I couldn't hold back as a released cum on my stomach.

"Look at you. You came already" Ambrose touched my stomach "It's not fair, you always cum first" he smirked.

"I can't anymore" I mumbled. Ambrose flipped me onto my stomach.

"Lift your ass" Ambrose moved my waist. I hated this position, it's awkward and embarrassing. I did what he told me to.


"A-Ambrose stop— I've come so much" I panted. I was on top. My body was exhausted. I lost count of how many times I came.

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