Side story 12

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*Ambrose's POV*

"Shay I know your fucking in there! Open up!" I slammed on his door "How long are you going to keep ignoring me?"

I frowned because there was no response. I knew he was home, I could hear muffled noise inside.

"I'm not leaving until you come out! Shay!" I called out. I heard muffled voices, as I placed my ear to the door trying to hear what was being said. Was there another person here?

"Get him to leave. Be quick about it. If you give him any reason for suspicion, I'll kill him on the spot" Emmanuel threatened Shay. I couldn't hear the exact words being exchanged, but I was able to hear some words being said such as 'leave' and 'suspicion'.

Suddenly the door cracked open and Shay peeked out. I backed away "Finally—." I stopped as I caught a small glimpse of the shape he was in.

His eyes were red, he must've been crying a lot. His lips were dry, he looked dehydrated. There was a bruise over his eye.

My eyes widen as I pushed the door open to reveal the rest of Shay's body.

It was an awful sight. Who did this to him?!

I was speechless at what I saw. It worried and infuriated me.

The only clothing Shay had on was my shirt that I had left over. It was large enough to stop mid-thigh on him.

His arms, wrists, legs, and neck all had marks and bruising. He looked as if he was jumped.

White sticky substance rolled down his inner thighs.

Shay quickly pushed the door back to a crack "What are you doing here?" He spoke in a loud voice. "Please he took her" he then whispered.

"What's going on?" I muttered. It was obvious he wasn't alone, someone dangerous was in there.

"I'm busy right now. Could we chat later?" Shay again spoke loudly. "F-Fraisa" he stuttered "he took her from me, please find her" he whispered "A-a-and Daehyun... he's going to hurt him— you need to leave"

He spoke quickly, leaving out important context. Who's he? Why does he have Fraisa? And why does he want Daehyun?

"I have to go" he spoke loud. "No wait!" I grabbed his hand. "Don't do this... he'll kill you" he whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"What's going on here. Hey man." Emmanuel opened the door wider and place his arm around Shay's shoulder "Is there something you need? We're working"

I stared at the unknown man, then looked at Shay. Shay stared at the ground. His face was troubled. He gripped the bottom of the shirt as his hands trembled. He glanced up at me momentarily, his eyes begged me not to question anything.

I looked back at the man before smiling "Sorry man, I just wanted to check on my pal here. I didn't know he was with a client, I'll leave you guys to it" I acted obviously.

I turned around and began leaving. My expression changed immediately. My eyes burned with fury.

How dare that man touch Shay like that!

I hated that I had to leave Shay behind in that position. But I needed to trust him, I can't stay and meddle. It might put him and Frasia at more of a risk.

I just need to find her. Track her down somehow.

Who's he?

I stopped and glanced back at the apartment complex. I began to have an idea of who 'he' might be.

Shit, I couldn't remember the dude's last name. I know Shay told me once before. If I had it I could get some background and locations.

I took my phone out as I made a call "Miguel I need a favor."

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