Extra 4

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Ash sat anxiously waiting for Nick's return. Being alone with the kids made him uncomfortable. It reminded him of his actions— and for what? Money.

He wanted to finish the job and never see the children again.

He wasn't free from the guilt and worry that came with his actions. He constantly thought of what would happen if they were caught. What would Ambrose do to him? Would he be killed?

He began doubting. Was the money worth it? His guilt grew. He was stripping these kids of a future. He took them from their parents. He traumatized them with evil actions.

He didn't even want to take this job, but Nick talked him into it. Maybe he'd be forgiven if he turned the kids in.

It was around noon the next day. Nick still hasn't returned from his night out.

Ash glanced towards the children. They remained in the same spot. They were quiet. But they watched him, watched his every move.

He hated being watched, especially by his victims. It gave him an unsettling feeling. It was as if they were begging with their eyes for him to let them go.

If they'd break out into a cry, he might do so.

The door to the warehouse swung open. Multiple men dressed in black suits walked in. Behind them, a beautiful woman with a nasty heart followed inside. She wore a white pantsuit with a black blouse. Large sunglasses sat on her face. She lifted and pushed them back into her hair.

"M-madam! You're here" Ash quickly stood "Nick went out and hasn't returned, he'll be back shortly... I'm sure of it" he nearly stuttered.

"Nick isn't coming back. He's been found by Ambrose's team." She spoke in a cold tone.

"Daddy?" Griffin finally spoke, his voice was weak. His lips were dry and chapped. His eyes began to water as he fought back crying "I want Daddy..."

"Talia— I mean madam, the boat is ready at the dock" A man jogged to her side.

Talia glared at him before turning to the kids. Her eyes softened as she walked forward "Do you miss your daddy?" She softly asked.

Griffin nodded "I miss him and mommy" he began to cry. The thought of them made him miss them even more.

"Ah don't cry little one" Talia crouched and reached her hand out to comfort Griffin. Ruben blocked her from touching him, he glared at her with dark eyes.

"I see. You have his eyes" Talia frowned before looking back at Griffin "Do you want me to take you to them? You're mommy and daddy?"

Griffin stared at her with wide eyes. He began to get up, but Ruben held him back "No you not taking us to them" Ruben spat "You the bad lady!"

"I'm not the bad one here!" Talia snapped "It's your whore mother who's at fault!"

The kids shrieked back. "Mommy is good" Ruben muttered.

"He ruined everything for me!" Talia grabbed Griffin's arm and began pulling him from Ruben.

Griffin began to scream as Ruben tried to hold on. His little hands couldn't hold and Griffin was snatched from him. Ruben began crying reaching his hands out for Griffin. Talia pushed Ruben back with her foot. She glared at him as if he were a parasite.

"Take him!" Talia gave Griffin to Ash "We're leaving. Grab the other brat!" She ordered.

"Ma'am." A man with a large scar across his face grabbed Ruben. Ruben kicked his legs and screamed.

Ash followed after a man. His heart began to ache at the sound of the children's cry.

The brightness of the sun nearly blinded Ash once he stepped foot out of the dim warehouse.

He used one hand to block the sunlight.

Everything began to feel slow. It happened so fast.

Ash moved his hand from his face. He stared at the man ahead of him. It seemed quiet. Too quiet. Too easy.

The man's body jerked before falling to the ground. Blood gushed from the bullet hole in the man's forehead. An instant kill.

Ash stared at the lifeless body with horror. He knew what that meant. They ran out of time. They've been found.

Instantly a rapid fire began shooting down the men before they could retrieve their guns. There weren't any enemies in sight. Was it a sniper?!

Ash moved Griffin in front of him. They wouldn't shoot him if Griffin was there.

"What is going—." Talia nearly walked outside but ducked back into the warehouse with two remaining men, one held Ruben.

Ash glanced towards the entrance, if he ran inside to safety, would he get shot when he turned around? Would he be able to run full speed with Griffin?

If he let the kid go, he'd be shot down in seconds.

His heart began racing as he backed towards the entrance. Almost there. The loud cries of Griffin clouded his mind. He scanned the area trying to locate the sniper.

Ash yelled as a sharp pain hit his thigh. He fell to the ground, releasing Griffin.

The child stared with terror as all he could do was cry. He looked around with tears running from his eyes. He began crawling away from Ash before he sat on his bum, whaling.

Ash held his thigh as blood gushed out. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and reached for Griffin. He'll take him and threaten the child's life for his own life.

Ash was inches away from Griffin. He crawled forward, reaching his hand out. A bullet went through his hand making him retract his hand and scream in pain.

A dark Hummer pulled up to the scenes followed by multiple cars. Ambrose stepped out of the car, with an AK-47 strapped to his back. "That was too close for comfort, Miguel. You could've shot my son" Ambrose spoke in a cold tone. The earpiece he wore allowed him to connect with his men.

Ash's eyes stared with terror. He knew it was over.

"Sir, apologies but my aim never fails" Miguel's voice spoke through Ambrose's earpiece.

"D-daddy!" Griffin reached his arms up. A swarm of soldiers with guns came from the cars and surrounded the area.

Ambrose released a sigh of relief. He ran to embrace his son, holding him tightly in his arms "I'm here. Daddy's got you" his voice choked "I'm sorry— I'm sorry I let them take you... I'm sorry you had to see this" he pushed Griffins face into his shoulder, blocking the sight of bloody bodies. He had no choice but to resort to violence. He couldn't contain his emotions, they all hit him at once. He hadn't rested for days, desperately looking for them and now he found them. His son was safely in his arms, the relief was overwhelming. He couldn't help but cry with his son. He kissed Griffin's.

This wasn't over, he still needed to get Ruben back.

"Sir! They're inside with Ruben!!" Ian shouted.

Ambrose didn't want to let Griffin go. He looked at his son and wiped his baby's eyes "I need to go, I need to get Ruben, okay. Sh, everything is okay now" he hugged his child before giving him up to Ian "Get him out of here. protect him with your life" Ambrose ordered.

"Sir" Ian nodded. Griffin cried louder when Ambrose let him go.

Ambrose caught his breath and wiped his eyes "Get in there. Retrieve my nephew. A few of you, take to the cars in case they have an escape. They will not get away!"

In a quick motion, some men retreated to the vehicles and others closed in towards the entrance of the warehouse.

Ambrose glared down at Ash. He stepped on the males hand when he attempted to reach the knife "Death isn't a good enough punishment for your sins. I'll bring hell to you on earth"

Ash yelled in pain as Ambrose pressed his foot down.

"Take him" Ambrose made his way to the warehouse entrance. He pulled the gun from his back and held it in his hands.

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