Chapter 34

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"I'm glad you're doing better. Oh, you'll get to meet my siblings" Kenji locked his car once I was out. His place was fairly big. "It's a bit crowded at the moment because my oldest siblings are back and their kids are here"

"Oh that's fine" I gave a small smile. Atlas swung the door open and ran towards me "Hi Daehyun!" He smiled. Something was different.

"Atlas, hey. Did you grow taller? You're nearly my height" I looked at him. "Yeah, I did. Oh wow, a few more inches and I'll be taller than you" Atlas laughed. Geez he's only 14 and almost as tall as me. I felt short. I wonder if he's taller than Doyun.

He grabbed my hands with excitement "How's Doyun? He finished school online! I miss him" Atlas sighed. I raised a brow as I smiled "Do you like him?" I gave a small laugh. "How can I not?" Altas smiled "he's adorable"

I couldn't help but stare at Atlas. He was such a pretty guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the most popular at his school.

I laughed, nodding "he is" I agreed. It was amusing to see someone like my brother. I wasn't sure if it was an 'I like your brother as a friend' type thing or an 'I like like Doyun'. "C'mon in" Kenji began walking into the house.

I looked at Altas once more before following Kenji "Are all your siblings here?" I asked.

"So far it's just me, Atlas, two of our older sisters and their mates, and one of our brothers." Kenji stated "My parents aren't home, they're currently traveling"

"Oh, nice—." I paused as two young kids ran past us. They were laughing and screaming. Another toddler was wobbling trying to follow after them.

"Oh brother Alan is coming late tonight." Atlas added, "Come here you goofball. This is Lilly, our brother's daughter". He scooped up the toddler and kissed her cheeks. She began giggling before looking at me with her big eyes. So cute. I felt myself starting to get baby fever. I placed my hand over my stomach, as a wave of sadness hit me.

Once again the two kids ran past us. One bumped into me. He just stared before running off "Oh don't mind them, that's Margaret's kids, she's the oldest sister" Kenji said.

"Oh hello," I gave a little wave towards the kids, which they ignored me and played with each other.

"Hello hello! Your Daehyun! I've heard so much from Kenji" A tall woman walked up to me. She grabbed my hand "We are so glad to meet you, I am Margaret" she smiled.

"Hi," I felt awkward. I watched as two women walk over, one was pregnant, "hello" the pregnant one huffed.

"I'm Julia and this is my lover Mavis" the taller one spoke "I'm their sister" she patted Kenjis and Atlas' shoulders. I stared at Mavis as she rubbed her stomach "Oh um hi... when are you due?" I asked.

"In about a month, June 10th" Mavis smiled.

"Okay, you guys are crowding." Kenji stated "I'm going to show him around.

"If you need anything, let me know" Julia stated.

"R-right thank you" I gave a small nod before following Kenji "Your siblings are really nice"

"They're awesome" Kenji puffed out his chest with pride "You cool with staying in my room? Mavis has been using the guest room for her yoga"

"That's fine." I nodded.

Staying with Kenji took some time to get used to. His home was filled with noise and chaos, though I liked it. The environment was lively and everyone was kind and always smiling.

His family was a good distraction from my reality. I was able to reframe from thinking about Kaius. Baby Lilly clung to me, and I tried to avoid her. Holding her and looking at her reminded me of what I lost. I tried so hard to bury those feelings. I tried pushing everything I felt deep down so I wouldn't feel it anymore.

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