Side story 9

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I nervously played with my fingers as I waited for Daehyun to arrive. It's been a few weeks since I last saw him.

He wanted to meet up and chat. I was scared he ended up being mad at me for sleeping with Ambrose. He said he wasn't upset about it but what if he was just saying that.

I allowed myself to overthink this meet-up. I was completely prepared to hear him say he didn't want to be friends.

Of course, I'd be upset but if that's what he wanted I would respect his decision.

Geez, am I overthinking? That doesn't seem like something Daehyun would say.

I released a long sigh, trying to relieve my anxious thoughts.

"Shay" Daehyun waved to me from the entrance. My stomach twisted as I became more nervous.

Daehyun didn't immediately walk over to me. He stood at the entrance as if he were waiting for someone.

And after a few seconds, Kaius walked in. Daehyun reached his hand out as Kaius grabbed it. They began walking towards me with smiles on their faces.

A small frown appeared on my face. I thought they were over. Oh well, as long as Daehyun is happy, I guess. I placed a smile on my face.

I wasn't too pleased about Kaius tagging along. I didn't like him, especially after how everything went down. This dude lied and hurt my friend.

"Sorry we're late" Daehyun sat across from me "I hope you don't mind that he tagged along...". "No no of course. It's— okay. I guess" I nodded. I hadn't realized the similarities he and his brother had till now. Seeing Kaius only reminded me of Ambrose.

Kaius nodded "I'll go order. What do you want". "Just the usual" Daehyun smiled. "Sweet. Shay, want anything," Kaius asked.

I kept an awkward smile on my face as I shook my head. Both Daehyun and I watched as he left. "So everything worked out I guess" I muttered.

"Yeah, it did. That's what I wanted to tell you" Daehyun held out his hand revealing a ring. My eyes widen "Are you serious?"

I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm happy for him but...

"Isn't it too soon for you guys to get married? I mean, you guys recently got back together and stuff. What about your family? Or his?" I had tons of questions.

"We're already marked so why wait, plus it's not like we're getting married tomorrow. We have to plan for it" Daehyun laughed "Our families are on board. Except for his father. I really hope he'll come around before everything is set"

I was still in shock. They were young, in their early twenties. I guess it's not unusual for couples to get married young, but what if it causes problems in the future?

"I'm happy for you" I glanced away. I really was, but I still had lingering irritation with Kaius... and his brother. Maybe I was just reflecting my feelings about Ambrose onto Kaius. Who knows.

I rubbed my forehead. I wasn't feeling too well and thinking about Ambrose only made me nauseous.

Daehyun looked at his hand "I know it's soon, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him— well it's not like we have a choice anymore" he smiled.

I watched his expression. It must be nice to be in love. Daehyun and Kaius had a real relationship going on. I'm happy for them as long as Daehyun is.

Must be nice.

A deep-rooted feeling began to nag at me. What was this feeling? This slight annoyance. I was excited for him, I really was. But.

Am I jealous?

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