Chapter 17

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*Shay's POV*

I sat at cafe were Daehyun and I normally met up at to chat, catch up or just to have coffee together.

He called me earlier saying he wanted to talk. I assumed it would be about Kaius, since everything was about Kaius.

As much as I found entertainment from the two, it was irritating to watch. I assumed both sides like each other, especially Kaius. Though my judgement isn't always right.

Those two were always going back and forth, they seemed like an old couple that fights.

I hoped Kaius meeting Talia would get him off Daehyuns back. I wasn't much of a fan of his. Well, I'm not a fan of alphas in general, so it could just be the reason.

I glanced around the cafe.

He was late. Usually he'd be on time or a few minutes, but he was nearly half an hour late.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kaius snatched him up.

I huffed as I check my phone for any updates from him. Geez, he would've let me know if he couldn't make it anymore.

"Shay. I'm sorry I'm late. I've been dealing with my parents. My mom isn't pleased I've been staying out lately. Um so yeah." Daehyun finally arrived, sitting across from me.

His whole demeanor was off. He wasn't his energetic self. It was clear something was weighing him down.

It could've been his parents. I knew a little bit about his relationship with his family, but Daehyun always reframed from talking about them.

"No worries. What is it you wanted to talk about" I gave a smile.

Daehyun stared at the table. What's with the look. He expression looked as if tons of emotions where hitting him all at once.

"The other night. I followed Kaius at the gathering. I wanted to just talk to him, but. ." Daehyn barely looked up.

"But what?"

I began to worry. What happened between them. Did they fight? Or was is something else?

Daehyuns mood began to reflect on me. I felt his anxiousness and confusion.

"I slept with him again" Daehyun covered his face "and I initiated it"


"I'm confused. You guys slept with each other multiple times before. Why is this any different?" I couldn't understand.

Daehyun peeked at me through his fingers. He removed his hands to reveal his flustered face.

"Wait. Do you like him?" I raised a brow.

"I don't know!" Daehyn whined as he placed his head on the table "I think so. Every time I see him with Talia, I feel strange and I don't like it! I don't want him to be with her or anyone!"

My expression soften. Called it.

I began to laugh. Oh boy, these two are killing me.

"Why are you laughing? There's nothing funny about this. Shayyy~" he huffed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just you said you would never like him" I smiled. But look at you now.

"I know" Daehyn lifted his head "I hate it so much. But I think I do." He sighed.


"Why what?"

"Why do you like him? The dude uses your secret against you so he can feel pleasure." I shook my head, "maybe you're confused. Maybe you just like his pheromones because they make you feel good"

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