Chapter 23

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"Kaius you looking a little sexy over there with that hickey" Alexander joked. "Ha ha," Kaius rolled his eyes.

"Did I miss anything?" Shay came up behind me. I looked at him "Some guy gave Talia a lap dance" I smiled.

"Shay baby! You gonna play?" Alexander asked. Shay shook his head "No I'll watch". "You sure? It might be fun" Ambrose smiled. "Yeah, I'll just watch" Shay nodded.

"Alright let's pull again" Alexander spoke. We repeated the process as before. The next few rounds were fun, but I hadn't pulled the right number to do anything.

Talia and Kenji had to kiss one around. Kauis ended up getting a lap dance from Alexander another round. A few other people ended up going as well.

"Okay everyone pull again," Kenji said.

I grabbed my slip and I looked at it. "Numbers three and six have to eat each end of a pretzel stick, getting closer and closer until their lips almost touch," Talia said.

"Let's go" Alexander held up his number showing it to be three. I stared at my number before shyly putting up my hand "I'm six" I whined.

Alexander moved towards me with the pretzel stick, he place one end in between his lips. "Do it do it!" They began to cheer.

I looked at Kaius who was just watching. I placed the other end in my mouth. Alexander looked me in the eyes as he touched my face. He began to chew the pretzel getting closer to my face.

My cheeks began to grow red as our lips were just centimeters away. Alexander kept contact which was only more embarrassing. He stopped as our lips gently touched before breaking the stick.

I chew my end as I looked at Kaius. He wasn't looking, he was talking to Talia. I glanced away before giving my number up.

"Last round!" Alexander smiled.

I grabbed another slip as I watched Kaius and Talia interact.

"Numbers five and nine have a make-out session for 30 seconds!" Bailey smirked.

"That's me, I'm five" Ambrose stood up. Instantly all the girls in the group look at their strips and then at each others.

I looked down at mine "Oh you gotta be kidding me" I muttered. I was number nine.

"Looks like you two gotta make out" Kenji laughed. "Ew that's gross, two guys, I rather see two girls make out. Now that shut would be hot" some guy scoffed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Nathan snapped "Y'all go ahead"

Ambrose smiled as he walked to me. I glanced towards Kaius who was frowning. I then looked at Shay. He was looking away. Why?

I looked up at Ambrose. I placed my arms around Ambrose's neck as he placed his hands on my waist.

I thought I would get butterflies but I didn't. We leaned into each other until our lips met. I had waited for a moment like this before liking Kaius. But now I wasn't thrilled. I felt nothing as we kiss. Were my feelings completely gone?

I peeked my eyes open only to see Ambrose glancing toward Shay, our eyes met and we both quickly closed them.

Why was he peeking at Shay? What was with them? They've been acting weird and close. I hated it. I could tell something was up. Why hasn't Shay brought up anything about Ambrose? Maybe I'm overthinking things and nothing going on between them. . . Or I'm not.

What if they've started a deeper relationship? It doesn't make sense because they both hate each other's second gender. Fuck. This is pissing me off.

I was unable to focus on the kiss. I could only think about Ambrose peeking at Shay. Why?

The kiss felt like an eternity. I wanted it to be over and I'm sure Ambrose wanted that as well. Ambrose began to put more effort into the kiss as if he got random motivation. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth. I felt like I couldn't breathe, it wasn't a bad feeling.

"And done! 30 seconds," Bailey said.

Ambrose pulled my lip gently as he broke our kiss. His eyes instantly went to Kaius. Who was glaring at us. He smirked as he licked his lips, turning towards Shay.

I raised a brow before looking at Kaius. He was walking my way. "Fun game everybody! Let's just enjoy the rest of our nights!" Alexander smiled.

The noise of people talking started up. "Kaius—." I looked at him. Kaius grabbed my hand and continued walking. "Wait Kaius where are we going?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He only dragged me back to our shared room. He closed the door behind us, as I stared at him. There was no one else in the room but us, "Kaius were you jealous that I made out with Ambrose?" I asked. He didn't respond.

I began to smile. I placed my hand on his chest "You were weren't ya" I smirked "You wish that was you~ you wanted to kiss me~" I jokingly teased. I didn't think that was the case. I had a feeling he just wanted something from me.

Kaius stepped closer "And what if I did?" He asked. I looked up at him. What was he trying to say?

My back was against the entrance wall. My heart began pounding, I felt as if it was about to jump out of my chest. Calm down!

I looked into his eyes before at his lips. I wanted to kiss him. "Well if you did— then I—." I whispered as he leaned in. Our lips nearly touched but before we could kiss, someone barged in, one of the other guys we were rooming with. Kaius moved away as he looked at the guy. "You guys tired too?" The guy asked as he began to make his bed.

"Just grabbing something," Kaius said "I'm going to head back, you coming?" He asked me. My face was red "I'm actually tired too" I muttered. "Alright," Kaius then left.

My heart wouldn't stop pounding. We almost kiss, and even though we've kissed before it felt as if it would've been our first. Did he mean something deeper? Did Kaius like me too? He was jealous right?

I touched my lips.

The next day, all the departments that joined in on the retreat did their own things. Art majors sat in the front panting, sports majors made this retreat a training camp, photographers were taking pictures, while a few stranglers did whatever they wanted. I was a part of that few.

I wasn't able to find Shay anywhere. He wasn't in his room when I stopped by. Maybe he's just wandering around like me. I'm sure we're bound to bump into each other.

I took a deep breath of the outdoor air. It was refreshing. I laid on the grass looking up at the clouds. I didn't mind being to myself. It was nice.

I was in a good mood. The night before I came to believe that Kaius might like me back. I'll confess to him, I'll do it soon. I had hope.

I closed my eyes as I felt the warm breeze. I heard a camera snap. I peeked my eyes open to see Kaius taking a picture of me "Enjoying yourself?" He chuckled.

I sat up and nodded "Yeah, why'd you take a picture of me?". "You're the only person I find pretty enough to take a picture of. Look" he sat beside me. He leaned into me showing his camera.

I didn't look bad. "Ew that's disgusting" I laughed "I look like a log!". "You're dramatic" Kaius laughed.

I grabbed his camera from him as I snapped a picture of him. He looked confused in it "Look at you!" I laughed. "Shit I look handsome" Kaius chuckled.

I gave him back the camera as I laid on my back "Do you remember when we'd joke about getting married" my cheeks grew red. It was out of the blue I know, but...

Kaius raised a brow as he laid next to me "Yeah, you said you were going to marry both Ambrose and I. Back then I took it seriously, but thinking back it was stupid"

I remained quiet. "Why do you bring it up?" He looked at me. "Random thought" I forced a fake laugh. I looked at him "You don't look too well, your cheeks are red" I sat up as I touched his forehead, he was warm. "I woke up feeling queasy, I must've eaten something bad" Kaius touched my hand with his.

"Maybe you should go in for a little" I suggested. "Nah I'm good. I rather take pictures. You wanna help me?" He smiled sitting up. I didn't mention it to him but his pheromones were slipping out.

"Well. I guess. I got nothing better to do" I gave a small nod.

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