Chapter 31

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It's been a few weeks since the articles were released about Kaius and I. Talia made it so that the world was set against me.

My father's business took a toll, by losing customers. My brother's company lost investors and my sister went on hiatus with her idol career, there were many hate comments thrown her way. And Doyun, he finished school online and put a pause on acting.

My family went into hiding. Waiting for things to blow over. Even so, the hate hasn't stopped. During the first few days of the articles, people would stand outside our home, yelling with anger. The police got involved when one guy broke in.

It's insane to think people would go as far as breaking in and standing outside our home for an accusation.

I didn't get to finish my courses for the semester. I failed the classes because I couldn't make it to the final exams. I felt awful for leaving Kenji and Ashley hanging for our project.

Recently a few photos that Kaius took of me were leaked thanks to Talia. I couldn't understand how she got to the pictures.

With that, my father acted as if he never knew me, as if I were a stranger living in his house. My mother just remained silent. Doyun, I avoided him. I couldn't face him, especially since he knew about my baby.

If it were to get out that I was pregnant all hell would break loose, so I kept to myself.

I refused to answer any calls. It was hard to know where it was coming from. Random people would find my number and send hate. Many told me to kill myself and that I didn't deserve to live.

I hadn't spoken to Shay or Ambrose, they both tried to get ahold of me multiple times, to which I didn't answer. Kaius— he attempted to contact me but his father forbade him from ever seeing me again. His father was fully convinced I brainwashed him.

Everything was my fault. I was completely alone. The only thing that brought me comfort was streaming. While on live I could pretend my life was great and nothing happened. Because no one knew who CoCo really was. I had a way to escape my hell.

I hid under my covers as I hugged my stomach. I was alone. I felt empty. I missed him but he lied to me. Why did he pursue me if he was engaged? Why didn't he tell me?

I heard a knock. I remained quiet as the door opened "Hyung? Are you okay? Dinner is ready. I brought it up for you" Doyun muttered.

I didn't respond.

Doyun placed my food on my desk. I thought he was about to leave but he didn't. Doyun lifted the covers as he laid down with me.

"I just want you to know I love you and I know you didn't do anything wrong" he started speaking. "Kaius called me. He's been wanting to get ahold of you, but his fathers watching him like a hawk"

I flinched once I heard Kaius' name. My eyes began to water. So what. Like I care. My life is ruined because of him. He used and crushed my heart.

"Kaius released a statement saying he pursued you. He's trying his best to clear up that girl's lies"

"Was she lying about being his fiancé?" My voice cracked. "No. They are engaged, but it's not what Kaius wants. It's his father's choice"

Tears rolled down my face.

"Hyung did you tell Kaius about the baby?" Doyun asked. "No. I plan to never tell him" I sniffed.

"Oh," Doyun muttered, "um Kenji stopped by... he wanted to check on you but Father turned him away."

"How did he get our address?" I asked. "Atlas. I told Atlas so that Kenji could come by" he said "he knows what Talia did to you... Kaius told him"

We laid in silence. "I guess I'll leave you be. Please eat okay, you need it" he sat up.

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