Side story 19

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*Shays POV*

The tip of the gun dug into the side of my neck as I was pulled along by Liam. He brought me to the top of the roof and faced the door we came.

Who was this man?! He seemed like a completely different person. I knew Liam was crazy, but I never thought he'd hold me at gunpoint. And for what? Am I that valuable to him, he's willing to kill me?

Nothing made sense to me... he's just saying that... right?

My eyes turned to the door we emerged from previously, it slowly opened as Ambrose placed his hands up to shoulder length.

"Giovanni, release him. I came just like you asked" Ambrose kept his composure.

"That's not my NAME!" Liam shouted with anger "I AM LAIM BRAXTON!"

That name again? Why was he getting upset over being called a different name?

Ambrose slowly moved closer "Nah, that's the name of the boy that died in the fire, that you started. You're not him, just some orphan"

Killed? What was Ambrose talking about?

Was Ambrose trying to piss Liam off? Was he trying to get shot?!

The pressure from the gun against my neck was lifted, as well as Liam's hold on me. I glanced sideways at Liam.

Liam began laughing "Did you do a background check on me or something? You think you got me figured out don't ya? I didn't start the fire because I wanted to, it was all for Shay"

"Me?!" What none sense was he talking about?

"They were going to pull me from school since their beloved son was healthy enough to go for himself. I couldn't allow that. I needed to protect Shay, I needed to stay at your side!" Liam directed his last words at me.

My eyes widen, all this time, from the beginning Liam grew an obsession with me. I never knew it to be an obsession, I just believe he was my friend, until he betrayed me. "If you wanted to protect me! Why did you do all those horrible things to me!" I kicked my leg into his knee.

Liam let me go completely. I tried to move away from him, but Liam grabbed my hair pulling me back "It's all your fault!" He spat "You led me on! You made me believe I was all you needed! You gave me worth and tried to take it away. You were going to choose another man over me!"

"Giovanni!" Ambrose stepped forward.

I tried to loosen his grip. Liam pointed the gun against my head as Ambrose stopped moving closer. "you gave me meaning, saw me for me!" He glared at Ambrose as he spoke in my ear.

"Bullshit! The real Liam is a fucking fraud! I never saw you for the true devil you were" I spit in his face.

Liam narrowed his eyes "You say that. At least now you can see me for who I really am. A. Fucking. Devil!" He shifted the gun towards Ambrose "We are going to go back to how we used to be. And things will be right for us. I promised you, that I'd take everything from you" he whispered to me "just like you took from me, I take from you, starting with him"

"LIAM! PLEASE!" I shouted as I thrashed my body around "Don't hurt him"

Ambrose kept his hands up "Giovanni. If you kill me that would do you no good. My men are all over this building! If I die now, they'll have you surrounded in seconds. You cannot run! If this is the last thing I do, I will free Shay from you!" His eyes went to me as he gave a reassuring smile.

Why did he go through all this trouble for me? I couldn't understand it. This was the same asshole that could give zero shits when it came to me.

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