Chapter 19

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"What are you looking at? Is something on my face?" Kaius questioned.

Shoot. Was I staring to long?

"Yeah ugliness" I smiled before looking forward.

"Oh Cmon no need to lie. I know you think I look handsome" he joked.

"As if" I glanced at him. His body was now facing me and not the tv. He rested his arm on the head rest of the couch.

"Why are you looking at me now?" I raised a brow.

"I'm curious." He simply said. What does that mean?

"Curious about what?" I asked.

"Why do you stream?" He asked.

I wasn't expecting that question. Why couldn't he ask about something else.

I glanced away from him "it's a way to escape from reality" I muttered "I'm liked for being an omega. The very little things I do while streaming gets praise and I like the feeling it gives me. I feel wanted and accepted. Even though it's an illusion, it feels nice. I'm not accepted within my families expectations. There's isn't anything that I do that gets my parents approval. I'm not talented like my sister. Nor am I successful like my brothers. Doyun is 14, he's an actor and he's extremely smart, great at everything! And I'm just here. ."

My heart began to ache. I hated thinking about my siblings, they were perfect just the way my parents wanted, while I was the failure.

I desperately wanted to be accept by them, my father most of all. Before my second gender was revealed, I was my parents prize. They loved me then, but now I'm not so sure. "I always tried my hardest to make them proud. I felt that if I made it to their expectation, they wouldn't see me as a mistake." I sighed.

They've never said that how they felt about me but their actions told me other wise.

It felt as if me being an omega was the reason I was a failure in my parents eyes. If I were an alpha, maybe they would've been more open to my talentless life. But no, I'm an omega and nothing I do or say matters to them. The only thing they care about is the fact about me being an omega stays within the family. "I hate being an omega" I muttered.

"I'm glad your an omega" Kaius stated.

I looked at him with confusion "why?"

"Can't say." He simply said "it's just apart of you and I like that" He turned his attention back on the tv. It sounded as if he were leaving out an important part of his reason.

"Wha? Wait, what can't you say? Go on just tell me. I'm now curious!" I'm I nudged him. I wanted to know what he meant.

Kaius smirked "nah it's non of your business" he chuckled scooting away from me.

I moved closer "tell me you bum" I frowned.

A sudden loud crack and snap interrupted us. We both jumped into each others arms. Geez, that came out of nowhere. Scared the mess out of me.

I looked at Kaius before moving away "sorry it was just sudden" I gave a small smile.

Kaius grabbed onto my hand. His face showed concern and nervousness. I hadn't seen that look since we our early elementary days.

I softly smiled "come" I turned the tv off.

"You're not gonna make me leave are you?" Kaius was suspicious. I laughed at his response and put my hand out "just come"

Kaius gave a small sigh before grabbing my hand. I began to lead him upstairs to my room.

The sound of rain outside was powerful. Crackling roads of thunder was spontaneous.

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