Chapter 42

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I haven't checked in a minute but I was anxious to know. Lately, my pheromones have been off and smelled sweeter, according to Kaius. I wasn't sure if the change in pheromones could be due to a pregnancy but I had hope.

The first time I was pregnant I believe my pheromones were the same as usual. I wasn't sure since Kaius wasn't there to tell me that time.

I bowed my head as I leaned against the counter. Was asking for a child too much?

The alarm rang. I crossed my fingers as I turned the pregnancy tests over. I held my breath as I peeked.

"Fine, let him in." I stern voice spoke from behind the doors. The two large doors leading to Kaius' father's office opened wide.

"The CEO will see you. You may enter" The secretary dipped her head in respect.

I stepped through the doors. His office was huge. It could be a living space in a penthouse. I looked toward the large windows, there a desk was placed and Mr. Ruiz sat.

"What is it you want? I am a busy man." He didn't look up at me. He continued looking over the papers in front of him.

"H-hello, sir. I came to invite you to the wedding." I muttered as I walked forward with a small invitation "Kaius would love for you to come"

"If he wants me to come, why didn't he come here instead of you?" He finally looked at me. His gaze was intimidating. He's always had an intimidating persona. This was the first time I would be having a conversation with him. Like my father, he spends most of his time away on business trips or working.

"He's too stubborn to come himself but I know he wants you to be there. Would you please come?" I placed the invitation on his desk. I locked my fingers together and place my hands in front of me.

Mr. Ruiz grabbed the invitation. He glanced towards me again. I felt so tense. I already knew he didn't like me.

Mr. Ruiz removed his glances as he placed the invitation down. Why wasn't he saying anything?

"I won't go. As you know. I don't approve of you being with my son. You two grew up like siblings. It's appalling." He narrowed his eyes. "You aren't good enough for him. You hold him back from his potential, because of you, he refuses to take on the task as my successor. And if that's not enough you're just a recessive, you won't be able to build a family with him. In the end, my son will come to his senses and realize, I was right. He made a mistake" his words were cold and heartbreaking.

I didn't care if he thought of me as the devil, how could he neglect his son's feelings?

"You can say whatever you want about me, but have you asked or considered what Kaius might want? He doesn't want anything to do with your business! He has his own dreams that he's passionate about! Of course, you wouldn't know, because you only cared about grooming him to be what you wanted! Kaius is more than someone you can try to control! I came here because I didn't want him to lose his father over something stupid" I snapped. I was fed up with parents thinking they could control their child's future, that's one thing I'll be sure never to do.

I pulled something out of my bag and set it down on his desk "Here. You're the first to know" I frowned "I'm leavening. Don't let your ego get in the way of your relationship with Kaius, it's not worth losing a son for." I scoffed "Reconsider. Please, come to the wedding" I grumbled with frustration. I no longer wanted him to come. His mindset was like my father's.

Their relationship was never my fault. It has always been on rocks, and it's Mr. Ruiz's choice if he wants it to crumble completely.

Mr. Ruiz stared at me "Is this real. It can't be." he crossed his arms. "Tsk. If that's what you want to believe. I mean I am just a recessive" I tried to reframe from throwing attitude at him but it came out. I left his office without another word.

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