Chapter 18

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I chew my lip nervously as I waited outside Kaius' class. I decided this would be the day when I'd attempt to hangout with Kaius.

I didn't want to come off as awkward and strange. I wouldn't usually initiate a hangout with only him. I was sure he'd be confused and maybe slightly weirded out.

I sighed as I leaned against the wall. I'll play it cool. I just need to ask him. It's all normal, nothing out of the ordinary.

I tried to remain calm, but my heart raced as students began exiting the classroom.

Being fully aware of my feelings for Kaius, I no longer knew how to act with him.

Maybe I should just leave. I can do another day.

Yeah. Another day. I'm busy anyway. .

I glanced towards the ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "Hey Dae" Kaius stepped in my path.

I glanced up at him. Ah fuck. "Hey" I awkwardly spoke, giving a small wave "okay bye" I moved past him.

"Wait?" Kaius grabbed my arm "why you leaving so soon? Let's do something today"

"Oh I— I'm busy! I need to babysit my brother" I snapped as I pulled my arm from him. "He's old enough to—." I didn't stick around to hear Kaius finish his sentence, I had began walking off.

Arghhh! I wanted to drop dead.

I had a chance and I didn't take it!

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I felt like melting into the floor with embarrassment and frustration.

Shay would be disappointed in me. I'm disappointed in myself.

I sighed as I moved from my brothers bookshelf to his window, releasing a longer sigh.

"Hyung why are you moping around my room. You can do that around the house or just somewhere else" Doyun frowned. He was in the middle of studying his lines for his next show.

I groaned as I flopped on his bed "I'm not moping. I'm just bored"

"So go hangout with Ambrose or Kaius" He scoffed "I'm trying to rehearse my lines"

"I cant. I told Kaius I'm babysitting you. I'll look dumb if I ask him." I grumbled.

"You're an idiot" Doyun closed his book as he stood. "Fine stay in here, I'll rehearse in the living room."

"That's rude" I sat up. I watched as he left, before I quickly followed after. I had nothing to do, I made plans in my head to hangout with Kaius but ruined my chance.

"Why are you following me?!"

"Is it so wrong to want quality time with my baby brother?" I crossed my arms.

"Yes! We never hangout" Doyun sighed "unless there's something bothering you. Okay, what is it?" He turned to face me.

"Wha? Not true. Nothings bothering me. Let's just have a movie night! You barely get to relax because of mom and dad" I smiled.

My poor brother was a victim to my parents utopia. He studied constantly, traveled for movies, is currently learning multiple instruments, and languages. All for my parents sake. He needed a break.

I doubted he had time for a social life.

I am isolated from my parents but I had a good relationship with our sister, not so much with our older brother. But, Doyun is isolated from his siblings, he doesn't have a relationship with our older siblings.

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