Extra 3

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*Tigger warning: a little bit of torture, kidnapping*


"I will be giving a reward of up to 5 million for anyone who can find our son. This situation has caused my mate to be bedridden. Please it's been four days... I'll do anything. Bring my son back to me" Kaius spoke on TV during an interview.

The TV was shut off. "Personally I think we should turn the kids in for the reward, it's already surpassed the amount we will be paid" a man spoke "I mean look at those kids, haven't this been long enough?"

"Ash we shall follow madam's orders until the end" Another spoke, "That reward is not worth being killed over." He walked towards the cellar with plates of food "Here eat" he stared at Griffin and Rui with cold eyes.

"How long do you think we can remain hidden? Ambrose's security team is fast, sooner or later they'll sniff us out and we'll be dead then" Ash argued "We already lost Cameron because of that damn dog, I'd be surprised if he's still alive being tortured! Ambrose doesn't seem to take things lightly when it comes to his family."

Rui embraced his cousin in his arms. He glared at the man who offered them food. He refused to take anything from them, he was hungry and desperately wanted to eat.

"Then don't eat! Stupid brat!" The man kicked the food. He spun around towards Ash "madams orders come first!" He snapped "She will update us when it's time to move. So for now, we wait"

"Nick—." Ash began to object. "ENOUGH! Orders are orders!" Nick got in Ash's face "Keep speaking and I'll report you to madam. Best believe she can do worse than the damn dominant family! Remember why we are doing this. The money will add up" he placed his hand on the others shoulder "these boys will sell for a pretty penny in other countries, they have dominant genes, they are bound to be dominant alphas"

Ash stared at his partner before looking at the kids. Anyone in their position would be traumatized, especially at this age. Ash couldn't help but have a soft spot. He was the weak hearted of the two.

"Eyes here. Focus. Don't let anything distract you from the prize" Nick stated "We will finish this job and we will live on"

The pressure of kidnapping the kids of a well-known powerful family began to eat away at Ash.

"You're right." Ash nodded.

"Good. Watch the damn brats. I'm going out" Nick turned as he grabbed a cigarette.

"Where are you going?" Ash frowned. "Out! I'm gonna get laid. Staring at your ugly ass for the past few days has been irritating me, Imma find me a beauty"

"Nick! You can't leave me here with them!" Ash shouted.

"You're just watching them. Stop complaining jackass" Nick scoffed.

Ash glanced towards the kids. Griffin had tear stains on his cheeks as he stared at Ash with big innocent eyes. Rui on the other hand glared at Ash.

Rui's eyes sent shivers throughout Ash's body. The kid had his father's eyes, intimidating, revengeful eyes.

"Don't look at me LIKE THAT!" Ash snapped at the kids, causing them to shrink into each other "Heh that's what I thought" he spoke in a smug tone.

Nick sat at the bar, he scanned the the area looking for an eye-catching beauty. It wasn't long until one came to him.

"Hello there handsome~" a light soothing voice spoke "Why are you sitting here all alone? You're not waiting for someone are you?" A smaller man approached Nick, taking the seat beside him.

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