Chapter 43

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The after-party continued to the early morning. Kaius and I received tons of wedding gifts. The people were quite generous.

My mother and auntie invited many people. Business partners, Nannie's, employees, extended families, everyone. Some of these people Kaius and I didn't even know. But they swear they held us when we were babies.

I had to go through many awkward conversations with people I didn't know. Aunties I didn't know that were aunties. I met my second cousins for the first time, that was cool, I guess.

"Daehyun! It seems everything worked out just right" Kenji threw his arms over my shoulder. "It did" I laughed. Everything that has happened in the past year felt like a bad dream. "Everything is right with the world now. You and Kaius are together, I called it, and to my surprise... Ambrose and Shay are together? Right?"

"That is correct. They have two little ones together" I laughed. "Oh okay, I thought so, but I was confused if they were Ambrose's or some other dude's" Kenji chuckled.

I stared at Kenji with a warm smile. It must've sucked when his crush turned out to be a bitch "You know, I really appreciate all the help you've given me" I smiled "And uh with everything that went down with Talia, you doing alright with that?" I asked.

Kenji raised a brow "Ah right. I actually stopped liking her way back, mainly because I saw the way she looked at Kaius" He nodded "But yeah, I'm just living life, ya know" he glanced towards Atlas and Doyun "I think in the far future we might become brother-in-laws" he smirked.

"You see that too huh?" I retired a smirk "Doyun is shy and continues to deny it, but I think he likes the attention Atlas gives him. Soooo what about you?"

"Me? Nah. No one has caught my eye yet" Kenji puffed out his chest "Yep! Living the Bachelor's life"

I raised a brow as I studied him. It seemed like he didn't have any care about finding someone, but at the same time I couldn't tell. Damn, he's hard to read "Well whenever you need I'll be your wingman"

"Hands" Kaius frowned as he walked over. "Ah yes, my bad" Kenji removed his arm. Kaius gave a slight frown as he stood beside me.

I wanted to hook Kenji up with someone, but who? I didn't even know his type. Was he into girls or guys? Does he have a preference for second genders? Geez.

"Hey, how did it go with your father?" I looked at Kaius. "Uh, it was okay. It wasn't good but it also wasn't bad." Kaius gave a smile. I wanted to know more but it wasn't my place to dig into their relationship further.

Our attention turned towards Miguel and Ambrose. "I didn't say you can hold my son" Ambrose frowned. "Shay did! Why are you so mean to me!" Miguel turned away from Ambrose with Atticus in his arms "Look he likes me"

"Oh boy, they're making a ruckus" Kaius sighed "Hey, knock it off, you're disturbing everyone" he huffed.

"Er, my bad" Miguel hurried over to us "Isn't he just adorable?" He asked. "Of course, he is" I laughed, I touched my stomach with a light smile.

"Don't drop him or else" Ambrose threatened before returning to Shays side.

"Oh he wants to go to you" Miguel sounded disappointed when Atticus reached for Kenji. Kenji awkwardly took the child. "That's not how you hold a kid!" Miguel fixed the way Kenji held the child.

"Kenji, you have so many nephews and nieces, and you don't know how to hold a kid" I laughed. "Yeah I do but I never wanted to hold them" Kenji chuckled "Wait am I doing it right?"

Miguel shook his head "Not one bit" he took Atticus from him "like this" he demonstrated. Atticus cooed with happiness. "You're good at this" Kenji laughed "By the way I'm Kenji, you are?"

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