Fated pair

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In this world, ruled by second genders. There is a special connection between an alpha and an omega. Many people believe that there is a person out there just for them, who they can love and cherish forever and be loved and cherished by. They are known as fated pairs. A fated pair brings two together, no matter how hard they try they will always be drawn to one another.

It isn't easy finding your fated pair. Many people go all their lives without finding their other half. Many find them the early in their lifetime.

There are two ways to know whether you've found your fated pair, which is when you bond with them or a successful marking. Bonding between alphas and omegas happens without their knowledge. Both will feel an overwhelming love and connection to each other, this strong emotion usually occurs during intercourse. Once your are bonded with a person, they become your fated pair. You are unable to separate from each other.

Marking is a controlled action Alphas can do to mark the omega they want. It isn't forever, the alpha can always break it. For marking to make a fated pair both have to mark each other. This sensation of wanting to mark comes naturally to Alphas when they are having intercourse or when their in runt. For omegas they don't have the urge to mark an alpha unless they feel a deep love and connection to one. Although this method to fated pairs can be flawed, people are quick to go based off their emotions they feel in the moment. Even though an alpha and omega mark each other, the mark doesn't always work, the mark will break, proving they weren't fated pairs. But when marking is successful you've found your fated pair.

"Funny. We both know that's a load of bull. Fated pairs is a myth, that never happens" I crossed my arms.

"My parents are fated pairs, they've bonded and marked each other. Boom fated pairs" Kaius copied me and crossed his arms. He's such a child.

It's stupid to believe that everyone has a fated pair.

"Your such a dumbass. Fated pair might've been a thing for older generations, but ours. That rarely happens.. people don't wanna be tied down to one person" I sighed. It was true, everyone seemed to be looking for a fling instead of a relationship.

"Do you want another lovers?" He asked. Something about what he said, made us sound like we were lovers.

I shook my head "Why did you say it like that?You're making it sound like we're lovers" I huffed with embarrassment.

Kaius laughed as he leaned until our faces were close "I mean we already make love and what's the source of making love, a baby" he smirked "boom we're lovers" he chuckled. He wasn't wrong, we did do a lot of things that lovers did, that we might as well be going out. Ew, him and I. That'll never happen.

I rolled my eyes "Stop joking around. Now back to what's important.. stop covering my with you pheromones" I sighed "it's messing up mine, people can smell me and soon they'll find out"

"Darn we can't have that happen, this secret is between us, although I still got a few smutty things I know, so why should I care" Kaius shrugged backing away.

I was about to slap him. He was doing this to piss me off, and it's working.

I frowned "Please, just this once don't be a douche. Plus I wouldn't want anyone to think we had something going on!"

"I do" Kaius' smile taunted me "Even though you pose as a beta, your body and features scream 'I'm an omega'. You're not bad on the eyes, I'm sure someone will come hitting on you because of it" he glanced away.

"Aww, you think I'm pretty don't you? You think I'm cute~" I teased him. For some reason Kaius seemed embarrassed for his words. He refused to look me in the eye. He gave me a side glance before laughing it off.

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