Side story 13

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"You're getting married? So young? You look no more than seventeen" Liam was in awe.

"Seventeen? Really? I appreciate it. That's the youngest I've gotten in a while" Daehyun laughed. It was usual for others to mistake him for younger than he was, "I'm twenty-two. I normally get mistaken for eighteen or nineteen"

"You have a young face, but you seem mature" Liam chuckled "I wish for that gift"

"What do you mean? You have a young face as well, I think. What is your age?" Daehyun questioned.

"Why don't you guess?" Liam slightly raised his brow.

"Mmm," Daehyun tapped his finger against his chin "twenty-three?"

"Heh, I'm twenty-six" Liam laughed "That's the first for me. I always look my age"

"Ah," Daehyun smiled. He enjoyed this small conversation with Liam. The guy seemed decent. He was well-dressed and held himself to a high standard.

"Well, I'm amazed that you're getting married at a young age. It's nice living your life with the one you love" Liam smiled.

Daehyun nodded in agreement "It sure is! Are you married or dating?"

Liam shook his head before releasing a sigh "I am not. I travel a lot for work so I don't have much time. Although I'll be staying here for a few years, this is where my beloved Shay lives" his tone changed when he mentioned the name, Shay.

Shay's name caught Daehyuns attention. There are many people with the name Shay. The chances of Liam knowing the same Shay were slim. Too slim "really? I know a Shay. He's an amazing person!"

"You do? I know it's one in a million chance, but my Shay is an omega, he's short and has a beautiful face, brownish wavy hair, and light brown eyes, with a birthmark under his left eye. He has one heck of a temper" Liam described his shay and to Daehyuns surprise that sounded exactly like the shay he knew.

"Woah. Do you have a picture of him?" Daehyun leaned in. He was eager to find out if they knew the same person.

"Ah yes," Liam began to go through his phone "He's my everything. When I can I plan to marry him" The way Liam spoke sounded obsessive. It was strange to Daehyun because he felt as if he were talking to a different person. "I've been away too long, we've sadly drifted apart but I'll win his heart back. This is him" he showed a picture.

The picture showed Shay walking with his daughter. Shay's head was turned towards his daughter, he had a small smile on his face. The angle at which the picture was taken was strange. It looked as if it was taken without Shay's knowledge.

"Oh, that's him! I know him, he's one of my closest friends" Daehyun nodded "How do you know him?"

"We've gone to the same high school. It's strange because I'm three years older than him but yet we were in the same year. I was held back a few times, I didn't take school seriously" Liam's tone shifted. It sounded softer, less possessive "We were extremely close back then. I was always Shay's protector" he sounded sympathetic.

"Protector?" Daehyun raised a brow "What do you mean by that?"

"Has Shay not told you his past?" Liam asked.

"No. Of course not. He's very shielded..." Daehyun sighed.

"Yeah, he is. I can't blame him though. He's been through a lot in school" Liam sighed "I know it's not my place to share but someone close to him should understand where he comes from"

Daehyun agreed that Liam shouldn't be the one to tell him and that it should be Shay. But he was curious and wanted to understand Shay on a deeper level. He couldn't refuse.

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