Chapter 33

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"Fraisa get dressed, Uncle Mason will be coming to get you today" Shay was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

I was still resting on the couch. The delicious smell of Shay's food woke me up. I opened my eyes to see Fraisa staring at me. She gasped as she quickly ran to the kitchen where Shay was.

"Don't bother him" Shay told her.

I began to sit up as I looked around. "Sorry, Daehyun. Did she wake you?" Shay walked over to the table in the kitchen area with plates of food.

"No, she didn't. You're cooking actually woke me up" I gave a little smile. Frasia clings to Shay's leg.

"Great! I made you a plate if your hungry" Shay smiled "Fay Fay get dressed" she told his daughter again.

I watched as she skipped to her room. She took one more look at me before disappearing inside.

I walked over to Shay and sat at the table "I appreciate it" I smiled "Oh, I forgot to ask but my phone is dead, could I borrow a charger?" I asked.

Shay nodded "I'll grab it from my room" he walked to his room. I placed my phone beside my plate and began digging into the food. Turns out Shay is an excellent cook.

I turned towards the door once I hear a knock "Shay someone's here" I stood, walking to the door. I peeked out the little hole and to my surprise...

"It must be Mason" Shay walked out, and he knocked on his daughters' door "Fay, he's here". Frasia opened the door, she came out in a light blue dress.

"Uh it's Ambrose" I gave a small frown. "Ambrose!" Frasia smiled "Yay!"

Shay's expression changed as he grabbed Fraisa's hand before she could run to the door "... can you tell him to leave. I don't want to see him"

"Momma" Frasia whined, "I want— I want him!" She began to throw a fit.

"Mkay" I grumbled. Did Ambrose know about Shay's daughter before me? Geez. I opened the door "Hey." I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

"Daehyun... hey... it's been a while." Ambrose was surprised to see me instead of Shay "Why are you here?" He asked. "I stayed the night. You know how it is, got kicked out for shit I didn't do. Why are you here." I crossed my arms.

I couldn't help but feel irritated.

"I just need to speak with Shay." Ambrose muttered "Wait, you got kicked out? Sorry to hear. If you need anything let me know"

"Yeah... sure. Anyway, Shay doesn't want to see you" I stated. "Damn, please convince him to come out or to call me. I need to speak with him" Ambrose sighed.

"Why. What's he to you?" I questioned.

Ambrose hesitated "Uh well— Shay is just a friend and stuff. I mess up so I want to apologize..." he spoke " I promise we don't have any special relationship—."

"You don't have to sugar code it. Shay already told me everything" I muttered. "He did? Oh uh, Dae— sorry..." Ambrose glanced away.

"Don't try to spare my feelings. I don't like you in that way anymore" I sighed.

"You don't? That's good"

"I'm guessing you knew the whole time that I liked you, huh? Well, I wasn't as subtle as I thought..." I frowned. "Yeah, I've known since we were toddlers" Ambrose rubbed the back of his neck.

I groaned with embarrassment "I bet I looked like an idiot"

Ambrose patted my head "You didn't. I'm sorry" he said. "For what? Are you rejecting my past feelings?" I pouted.

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