Chapter 36 18+

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I anxiously waited, staring at the door. Would this work? Was he on his way? What would I even say to him?

Many thoughts ran through my mind. I wasn't sure if I was excited or scared, sad or mad. My feelings were in a big jumble.

Instantly my heart jumped at the sound of the door unlocking. "Kaius?" I stood up from the bed.

Kaius removed the black hat "Daehyun" a relieved look came onto his face. He walked towards me with his arms out, ready to embrace me.

As happy as I was seeing him, my frustration showed first. I slapped Kaius across the face with no context as to why. A small red handprint showed.

"Wha?" Kaius stared at me with confusion "Dae—."

I didn't let him finish. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. Kaius didn't back away or question it, he kissed back.

Oh, how I longed for him.

We were drawn together like magnets. Neither one dared to break our kiss. I moved my arms around his neck.

Our kiss was filled with passion and love. It soon turned into an aggressive kiss that was filled with pleasure and lust.

Kaius slid his hands down my hips to my thighs and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist "Mmm ~"

He began walking us toward the bed. He plopped over, laying me on my back while remaining on top.

I finally broke our kiss, gasping for air. Kaius began planting kisses along my neck.

"Ngghn~ Kaius" I moaned his name. Kaius kissed my neck until he found my sweet spot. "Ahh~ n~not there" I felt a wave of tingling sensation flow throughout my body.

Kaius left a hickey on the spot. He smiled as he looked into my eyes "I've missed you" he whispered.

"Me too" I touched his face with my hands "But why didn't you tell me about Talia," I asked. Kaius glanced away "I was an idiot for not telling you. I can't imagine what you've been feeling because of it. But... it's shitty, I didn't want you to push away from me even more than what you were already doing" he released a long sigh.

Kaius moved off of me, sitting at the edge of the bed "But believe me when I say I only have eyes for you. She's my father's pick"

I slowly sat up "Did you mean what you said? That Talia was helping you?". "No. She wasn't helping me. I doubted that she knew then that I was trying to make you jealous. We hung out to make our fathers happy" he rolled his eyes "It was a business agreement they've made. Combine families, combine companies" he scoffed.

I glanced at my figures as I fidgeted with them. I didn't know what to think or how to feel.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry how things turned out" Kaius grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips "I would reverse everything if I could."

We both fell silent. Kaius looked at me. The look in his eyes was arousing and promising.

"Let's leave... together" he finally spoke again. "What do you mean? We can't do that! Your family will—." I was interrupted. "I'll leave my family to be with you. I'll leave everything behind, money, fame. There is nothing in this world that I want besides being with you" he smiled, and he brought my hand to his cheek "We can go somewhere where no one knows us. We'll get a small house, I'll work and provide for us"

Everything coming from his mouth is what I wanted. I wanted to be with him and I couldn't do that here. But what about Auntie, I couldn't take her son away from her. I couldn't break Kaius away from his family, they loved him deeply, his siblings, and his mother.

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