Chapter 39 18+

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Kaius remained silent. My anxious heart began to spiral as doubts began clouding my mind. I wasn't going to give up.

"Kaius. Even if you say no to me, I won't give up. I'll keep coming back proposing until you say yes because I believe that we are fated pairs" I muttered. He still gave no response. "Please say something..."

"Daehyun I'm already in love with someone else" Kaius stated. "What?! Who?" I stood up. How he proposed to me just yesterday? How could he have moved on so fast?

"He's an omega like you. He's funny and talented. I don't know how to say this but he's won my heart. He's very adorable when he gets mad, he has these cute moles below his ass cheeks" A smile began to appear on his face. Once I realized who he was talking about I punched his shoulder.

"Asshole" I frowned "You really had me thinking there was another guy". Kaius put his arms around me "Yeah he's a streamer, his name is CoCo" he chuckled.

I couldn't help but laugh "What do you say Kaius," I asked. "You know I don't appreciate you stealing my idea of proposing" Kaius moved from me as he walked towards his things. There he pulled out the box he had the other day.

Kaius grabbed my hand "I want you to say yes to me before I say yes to you" he got on one knee and opened the box.

I rolled my eyes playfully "I mean I guess" I giggled as I nodded "Yes I will marry you" he placed the ring on my ring finger. He stood up and placed his arm around my waist pulling me into a kiss.

"I love you" Kaius whispered. "I love you too now and forever" I smiled as I grabbed his hand. I placed my father's ring on him. "Wait this is your father's ring" Kaius looked at me.

I smiled as I nodded "It is... he gave it to me"

Kaius chuckled as he kissed my lips again.

"Hey, are you guys finished?" Doyun walked in "Ah ew my eyes" he covered them. We both looked at him before laughing. "I'm glad you guys made up" he peeked at us.

I held Kaius' hand "Me too". "We are getting married" Kaius showed the ring on my hand. "Really?!" Doyun gave a small clap with his hands.

Farris walked in "Kaius let's go we are leaving! Today has been a mess. What are you doing? Why are you holding hands?"

"He's my fiancé" Kaius stated. "Not this again. Kaius—." Farris sighed. "No father. I'm not going to let you control my life anymore. I'm not going to be your successor and I will marry the man I want to marry. I don't care if you will accept it or not. I rather not lose my father but if you can't respect Daehyun and my decision then that's just how it's going to be" He narrowed his eyes.

Farris was shocked. He crossed his arms "then that's how it'll be"

Kaius held onto my hand as he grabbed his things. We walked past his father and out of the building. Kaius didn't look back once. Was he really okay with this? "Daehyun. You aren't the cause of my relationship failing with my father. It's his fault, he's too stubborn about what he wants. I will never blame you for his choice"

I looked at him "Okay" I smiled. "My boys. I'm proud of you two" Auntie hugged us.

"Thank you, auntie"

"No need to call me that anymore, call me Mom. Don't think I didn't see that ring on your finger" Auntie smirked. "Thank you, Mom". "You're my favorite son anyway" Auntie kissed my cheek.

"Wha? Momma what about me" Kaius pouted. I laughed at him.

"Yes yes" Auntie patted his shoulder "your my baby boy"

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