Chapter 22

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"Okay! Listen up! I'm only going to go through this once! I will be calling out names, these are the rooms y'all will stay in!" The person who organized the retreat called for everyone's attention. He started naming out groups of names and handing the keys to the first person he called.

"I hope we get put in the same room" I looked at Shay. Shay was deep in his thoughts as he chewed the tip of his finger. I nudged him gently "hellooo! Earth to Shay" I smiled "What's on your mind you've been spacing out"

"Huh? Sorry, it's nothing" Shay muttered "I'll be right back, let me know where I'm staying if my name is called, I'm going to make a quick phone call" he moved away from the crowd.

He's been off lately. I wanted to ask but I knew he'd say everything is fine.

It wasn't long after Ambrose came up to him and took his phone. Shay didn't appear thrilled. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Ambrose got to eye level with say. It wasn't hard to read their body language, something was up.

When did they get so close? It was a bit annoying. I released a long sigh. It doesn't matter, I no longer like Ambrose like that— but still. I've been his friend since day one and they looked closer than we ever were. I was jealous of that.

"Hey hey hey!" Kenji put his arm around my shoulder "Dude, I wasn't sitting next to Talia but we were in the same row" he smiled "I was able to talk to her"

"There you go" I put my hand out for him to high-five, "Baby steps". "You're right" Kenji hit my hand laughing "I think we're going to be in the same room"

"How do you know?" I asked. "I got a peek of the rooms" Kenji smiled "I believe we're the last ones to be called"

"Don't put your arm around him like that. People will get weird ideas" Kaius moved Kenji's arm. "Ah your right" Kenji stared at him.

"Ambrose!" A voice called "You're in room four!"

I looked at Ambrose and Shay, they were still talking. Ambrose patted Shay's head before he walked off to get his things. He never patted anyone but me.

Shay walked back over to us. "Is everything alright? What were you guys talking about?" I asked. "Nothing really" Shay was secretive.

"They called our names" Kenji turned to me "Let's get our things"

I glanced at Shay "I'll see you later" I turned and began walking. Kaius walked with me "Is it just me or were you irritated when speaking to Shay?". "Are you in this group too?" I ignored his question.

Kaius raised a brow "Yeah I am. Did you guys fight?" He asked. "No. It's just— never mind, it's best not to talk about" I muttered. I wanted to know what was on Shay's mind, what was bothering him. I wanted to be there for him like he was for me. It ticked me off that Ambrose knew more than me and they aren't really friends.

"How did you get your parents to allow you to come?" Kaius asked, "Doyun told me about your father's blowout, sorry for that". "It wasn't your fault. Damn old man is narrow minded" I scoffed "I told them this was an omegas-only retreat, a way to find yourself" I smiled "Doyun even helped me make a fake flyer to show them"

Kaius laughed "Really? And they believed it". "You bet" I grabbed my things, "let's head in!"

"Daehyun~ some of us are headed to the campfire, you joining?" Kenji asked. I finished the food in my mouth before responding "Are there going to be s'mores?"

"Duh," he nodded. "Yes, wait for me I'm almost done" I began to gobble the rest of my dinner up. "Slow down you'll choke" Shay ordered me. "Okay Mom" I gave a small laugh. Shay glanced down at his food without saying another word.

"Shay you gonna join too? There's going to be a few games outside" Kenji invited Shay to join. "I'm not feeling too well. I'm just gonna turn in early" Shay took a small bite of his food.

"You're lucky you get a room to yourself" I sighed "I gotta share with this idiot" I glanced at Kenji. He made an overreacted look "Me?" He jokingly acted offended. "That's what happens when you're known as an omega" Shay nodded "It comes with its perks. I guess."

"Hey, guys!" Ambrose took a seat beside Shay "What are you guys about to do next?". "After Daehyun finishes eating we're going to the campfire to chill and play games" Kenji gave a small shrug. "You joining—." Ambrose turned to Shay, who got up. "No I'm not feeling well" Shay simply said.

I narrowed my eyes as I watched their interactions.

The two of them held long eye contact. It was as if they were communicating with each other.

"I might join later" Shay looked at me, "after I feel a bit better, of course, I'll get going now. Have fun" he began walking away. Ambrose smiled brightly as he waved "Look forward to seeing you out there"

I no longer had the appetite to finish my food "I'm done. Let's just head out" I told Kenji. "Mind if I join? I got nothing better to do" Ambrose stared at me.

"More the merrier" Kenji began walking out of the great hall. I grabbed my trey, tossing the rest of my food, "you and Shay seem close now." I glanced at Ambrose.

"You think so? I wouldn't really say that" Ambrose stated "though I'd like to get to know him on a deeper level. He's a cool person, wouldn't you agree?"

"—Yeah he is. What were you guys talking about earlier? Shay seemed uneasy and worried about something" I wondered if Shay told him. Why would he tell Ambrose and not me? Am I not trustworthy?

"Beats me. He didn't tell me anything. Maybe you should ask him" Ambrose stated. His attention shifted towards the small group that we were approaching "Hey guys!" He smiled as he dapped Alexander.

I wasn't satisfied with his answer. I could've sworn that Shay told him something. Geez I need to get this out of my head and just enjoy myself.

I spotted Kaius and decided to walk toward him. I hadn't noticed Talia sitting next to him until I got closer. I frowned changing directions, as I walked up to Kenji. I kept glancing toward the two as Kenji spoke with a friend of his.

"Okayyy! Let's play a games why do we!" Alexander had a smirk on his face. The small group became quiet and listened to him speak, "Let's see we have— one, two.. uh okay we have ten people" he counted us. "There will be nine strips with numbers, they will be turned upside so the numbers are hidden, y'all will pick a strip and the person with the strip without a number is it. They will call out two numbers and give them a command" he smiled "For example, numbers four and eight will have to hold hands for the next round or hug for 10 seconds, whatever y'all want. Don't feel too shy to get wild"

"This game is looking for problems" Kenji laughed. "Of course! Let's have some fun, come on and grab a strip" Alexander held his hand out.

"Grab one, it'll be fun" Kenji nudged me as he took one. I nodded "Oh I bet" I grabbed one from Alexander and turned it over to see the number six.

"Ha! I don't have a number" Bailey cheered. She scanned the group trying to read everyone's minds. She locked eyes with me and smiled "Number two has to give seven a lap dance"

"Woohoo" some guy cheered "Who is seven 'cause y'all not prepared" he laughed. Talia raised her hand "I am" she giggled. The guy walked over to her and began dancing on her, at first he moved in a silly way before he got serious and moved seductively. Everyone cheered "Ayyy! Ay! Ahh, get it!"

Talia covered her face with embarrassment. It was obvious she didn't hate it because she was laughing.

"Okay okay, let's go the next round. Love your moves Nathan" Alexander chuckled. "Thanks your next" Nathan blew a fake kiss as a joke.

Everyone gave the strips back. Alexander moved them around before letting everyone pick again.

"Y'all ready for this?" Kenji laughed as he showed his strip, revealing that he didn't have a number "Number eight has to give five a hickey on their neck" he looked around.

Some girl got up "I'm eight" she smiled. "Who's five?" Kenji asked. "It's Kaius! Right here!" Talia pointed at him.

Kaius didn't look too happy about it. I frowned as the girl walked towards Kaius.

Damn, I was one number away! I was nine, it could've been me giving him a hickey.

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