Chapter 27

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As soon as Kaius parked outside the building, I started to open the door and undo my seatbelt "Wait don't get out" Kaius quickly stated. I found it strange that he told me not to get out, but I didn't question it.

I closed the door as I nodded "Okay"

Kaius got out as he made his way around to the other side, to which he opened the door for me "You may get out"

I raised a brow as I stepped out "Won't people see and take this the wrong way?" I asked with a small smile. "Today is an exception" Kaius gave a cheeky smile.

I laughed "Okay you weirdo". "Could you give me a minute before going in? I wanna check something. Just wait right here, okay?" Kaius asked.

"Oh sure" I nodded. "Hehe," he quickly walked into the building. I tried to get a peek inside as he went in.

He was actings cute and sweet today. What's he up to?

Snap. Snap. Snap.

In the distance, a few pictures of me were captured without my knowledge.

I leaned against the building as I waited for him. What's he doing that's taking him long?

I began to look around at the few people walking around, heading to the places they were going to. It was quick but my eyes caught a glimpse of Ambrose. I was sure it was him. He had moved to the side of a building.

To my curiosity, I moved to a spot where the angle was right and I could see him once again. "The heck?" I noticed two other large men with him, they looked like gangsters. They had tattoos covering every inch of their skin, they wore dark suits. I couldn't see their faces well but I'm sure they have scares and cuts.

Was he in trouble or something? That isn't Ambrose's usual crowd. What if he owes them money?! No, his family is rich he'd be fine. But what if they're trying to get money from him?!

"Hey you can come in now" Kaius tapped me. I jump with fear. I had thought it was someone else. That another thug saw me watching them! "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah sorry, you just startled me" I muttered "Um over there, Ambrose is with these thug-like guys. Should we call the police?"

Kaius took a look before releasing a long sigh "No no, they're his friends. You wouldn't know because he kept that side away from you. I'm not a fan of them either"

"Huh? Wait but Ambrose isn't the type to hang around dangerous people" I frowned. Why did Ambrose keep this from me?

"They aren't necessarily dangerous, they are part of a gang but that gang is strictly against hurting those who can't defend themselves. They're like an anti-gang gang." He explained, he turned to look at me.


Another picture was taken.

"Why don't you like them?" I asked.

"Though they aren't people that just attack others without cause, they aren't people I'd want my brother to be around. Anyway, let's go in" he guided me to the door. His hand barely grazed my lower back.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

Kaius held the door open for me. I decided to push my concern for Ambrose to the side. I needed to be in the moment with Kaius.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

Kaius had an excited look on his face. My eyes widen with shock. "What's all this?" I asked him.

Pictures were hanging from fairy lights that hung from the ceiling. The pictures were of us together that were recent going back to when we were toddlers.

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