Side story 5

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*Shays POV*

"You didn't need to come with us," I told Ambrose. I held Frasia's hand while Ambrose pushed the shopping cart. There were a few things that I needed to get and Ambrose choose to tag along.

"I had nothing better to do, plus it's only fair I help you out, especially after our 'playdate'" I felt his hand brush over my lower back. "I'm sure you're still aching" he whispered."Keep your hands to yourself" I frowned.

"Awe. You guys had a playdate without me?" The little girl frowned "I want to play with Ambrose too! Momma! Why do you always hog him"

"Well, make sure you beg him every day so I can come over and play," Ambrose said "You know, he's very mean to me when we play. He scratched my arms and back" he smirked.

My eyes widened as my cheeks grew warm. I wanted to punch the shit out of him.

"Mommy, you gotta play nicely. That's what Mason always says," She spoke proudly. "Yeah, nicely," Ambrose mimicked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Sure. Fay, go ahead and pick a snack you want," I redirected her. She gladly skipped in front, heading towards the snack section.

"Seriously, do you have nothing better to do? It's irritating enough that you showed up unannounced" I sighed.

"Why not torment you longer with my presence" Ambrose shrugged.

I can't say I exactly hated Ambrose joining; it gave me a sense of relief. I'm usually hesitant to take Frasia out for fear of her being judged for having a male omega as her mother or something happening to her because of my unluckiness.

Having another person around was nice, even if it were Ambrose. It was strange. I feel a sense of protection when I'm with him... Even though he isn't the nicest person, I don't feel as if I need to be wary of everything around me. It's relaxing. I feel less anxious.

There is a pattern I started picking up on; every time I slept with him, it seemed my days have been more peaceful. I haven't had shitty luck in a minute. I've noticed that after having sex with him, things go smoothly for me up to four days, then it gets bad again.

Knowing this isn't pleasant, especially since it's with him. Ambrose out of every person in this trashy world. Him.

"Look! Look!" Frasia called us. She jumped around as she pointed to a poster that was placed on the support beam. It was a poster advertising the amusement park. It was obvious that she wanted to go. She's never been to one, so it makes sense why her face showed eagerness.

My gaze softens at the sight of my daughter. As much as I would love to take her, I wanted to avoid crowded places. I didn't want to risk her catching too much attention. Don't get me wrong; I am not ashamed of my daughter. I'm scared of people's stares and reactions; I'm scared of drawing attention. . . Unwanted attention that might catch his eye.

Just thinking about him made my body feel weak. "Fay Fay, you know we can't do that. We don't have enough" I grabbed her hand. I wasn't saying that just to come up with an excuse; all our expenses went to our home, school, and food.

"I want to!" She stomped her foot and pulled from my hand. I didn't like saying no to her. She was such a trooper and rarely asked for anything.

"I could pay" Ambrose glanced at me. I gave a small frown. "What? You don't like that idea?" He questioned.

"It's not that. Just why? Why would you pay?" I assumed he wanted something from me. "Consider it my commission for earlier" he rolled his eyes. I wasn't sure because he offered to pay for the retreat as well. Did he want something from me?

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