Side story 2

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I leaned against the side of the restaurant, with a cigarette in between my fingers.

Damn, I'm irritated. I came to this shitty get together, put up with people I don't even like, just for Daehyun to chase after Kaius.

A waste of my damn time.

I stared up at the dark starless sky. I refuse to lose his love.

I blew some a puff of smoke out. My attention was directed at a freshman. Did she follow me? What was her name? Eh, not like it mattered. Just like everyone else, she was a mere extra. Another body without a recognizable face.

I frowned as she approached me, playing with her fingers. What did she want?

I had a feeling it would be a love confession. I've had many like this before. I wasn't in a charitable mood to put on a kind face, but I had a reputation to withhold. I released a small sigh.

"Um, Ambrose— I was scared to um.. you know.. talk to you inside— so I followed you out. I uh I-I think I Uh—." The smaller person stuttered. Her confession was atrocious and sad.

I stared at her with a blank expression. When will she hurry up and say it. I want to reject her quickly, then leave.

My eyes narrowed as I caught a whiff of her pheromones. She's an omega?! "I like you~" she muttered, her cheeks burned red. She avoided eye contact with me.

Was she trying to seduce me with her scent?

I took a deep puff before dropping my cigarette, stepping on it. I stood in front of Nina. It was obvious she was nervous. She slowly began to lift her head to look me in the eyes. The pheromones she released only got stronger once we locked eyes. Disgusting.

I grabbed her neck shoving her against the wall, she gasp in surprise. "How dare you use your disgusting pheromones to seduce me" I snapped. I squeezed my figures.

It ticks me off. Damn omegas always use their pheromones to get an alpha to react. It makes me sick.

She tried to loosen my grip, her eyes were filled with terror, "so-sorry" tears began to roll down her face as she gasps for air. Her face became red. Her veins became visible on her face. Her eyes were red and began to close.

I felt deep anger arise. Fucking omega.

"I loathe you fucking omegas" I snapped. "Well well, you showed your true self" a voice spoke. I looked over to see Shay with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. "Let her go, you're hurting her" he frowned.

I released Nina. She to fall to the ground, coughing as the rubbed her red neck. I crouched down, face to face with the freshman "tell anyone and I'll kill you" I warned her before she scrambled off, crying.

I stood straight up as I looked at Shay "surprised?" I scoffed.

"Not at all, you may seem all sweet on the outside, but I can spot at fake anytime" Shay walked over to me. He put his hand in my pocket pulling out the lighter.

"Congrats for learning about my shitty personality, wanna sticker?" I rolled my eyes.

I watched as he lit the cigarette. "Ha. Ha. One question though. If you hate omegas so much why are you constantly flirting with me?" He raised a brow. I pushed my hair back, before I could answer Shay spoke again "is it to make Daehyun jealous?"

I didn't think he'd guess correctly. Seem like Shay is a very observant guy. "Yeah" I responded. "Damn I'm spot on. I'm confused to why though— well I'm not sure if you know about Dae.." He spoke.

I had a hutch of what he meant "if Dae is an omega? I know. I've always known. Although, I don't hate him" I spoke truthfully. I didn't care if Shay knew, I'm sure he'd figure it out sooner or later.

I'd just make sure he stays quiet.

"Then do you like him?" Shay asked. I chuckled "not at all. I simply hate my brother" I watched Shays reaction, his facial expression barely changed. "And I know what he wants so why not take it"

"Huh that's makes sense, but why?" Shay continued to ask questions. I moved towards him "you're pretty nosy aren't you. Don't over step" I warned him.

"Or what" Shay challenged my words. This guy.

I smirked "I have no problem playing the bad guy. Use your imagination to what I might do to you" I took the cigarette from his lips and took a puff.

"You won't do anything too bad, I already got a fucked up life" Shay didn't back down. I grabbed the back of his head, pulling his hair as I forced his head to face up.

"I have a lot of pent up energy. Don't test me" I blew the air in his face. "Do your worst" He tried not to bat an eye.

I frowned. What a ballsy person.

I pulled him into a kiss, dropping his cigarette. Shay didn't fight back he accepted the kiss. It pissed me off I couldn't get to him.

He should be scared I'd do shit against his will.

Shay kissed back. I pulled away turning him around as I pushed him against the wall "Why not just go all the way. I'll fuck you until your pregnant" I whispered in his ear. I wanted him to react, to push me away, to curse at me, hit me or to be scared. I wanted any reaction. . But I got nothing.

Shay began to release his pheromones "Do as you want" he challenged me again. "Tsk" I leaned forward "don't regret it later" I bit the side of his neck.

Shay winced in pain "what— are you trying to mark me?" He began to struggle. I grabbed his wrists to prevent him from pushing against the wall.

"Please don't~" he gasped. I let go of him as I licked my lips "relax I didn't mark you"

I watched as Shay touched his neck where I bit, he looked at me with frustration, "what your okay with me getting you pregnant but not marking you" I gave a snarky look.

Shay narrowed his eyes "asshole you were bluffing then". I felt my nerves tense up, bluffing? I'll show him whose bluffing.

I moved back to him, once again shoving him into the wall, this time his back was against the wall. The streets were silent as the night continued.

"what are you scared now?" I laughed as I began forcing his clothes off. "I'm not scared!" Shay snapped as he stopped struggling. He unzipped my pants, pulling my dick out "so much for a good day, I've met my asshole"

I was confused by his words. Good day? Asshole? What was he talking about.

I glared at Shay as he moved down to his knees. "What a s nasty whore, I bet you get on your knees for any man" I wanted to hurt his pride. I frowned irritated by his pheromones.

His aroma was sweet and pleasant. Unlike other omegas I've encountered.

Shay looked up at me as his tongue moved across my dick "It's my job"

I laughed as I grabbed his hair, pulling until he came to his feet "you're a fucking prostitute?"

I wouldn't have expected that from Shay. "To think you hate Alphas but you gladly give your ass to them" I smirked pulling him close.

"I'll tip you good" I mocked. Shay frowned before kissing me "I'm expensive" he whispered after breaking the kiss. Our faces remained close.

Damn he is fucking annoying.

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