Chapter 13

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*Kaius' POV*

"Please~ my fingers aren't enough~ I need you~" Daehyun begged from behind the door to my bedroom.

His heat was triggered by an alpha at the cafe. His body burned with a tingling sensation.

"Kaius~" Daehyun pleaded. His moans were muffled through the door.

"You'll have to deal with it yourself..." I spoke from the other side. Previously, when Daehyuns heat began, I wasn't sure what to do. The only place close enough was my apartment. Once we got to my place, I had shoved Daehyun into my room. I even had to hold the door closed until he stopped fighting to open it.

What else could I have done?

I struggled from being swayed by Daehyuns pheromones, it was unexpectedly stronger than usual.

"Nghm~ I need more!" Daehyun huffed.

I was currently searching Daehyun's bag for suppressants. "Oh Cmon, why wouldn't an omega carry heat suppressants" I scoffed before opening a the smallest pocket. "Ah there it is" I grabbed the medicine.

"You need to take your suppressants" I released a sigh and turned to the kitchen. I was quick with my movements, every moment passing Daehyuns smell seemed to affect me more and more. "You're a fucking recessive. Why are your pheromones so strong now" I covered my nose and filled a cup up with water.

Daehyun had been quiet for a few minutes. I moved to the door with the water and meds ready. I crouched down. I wanted to quickly put the water and suppressants in the room.

Did he tire himself out?

I slowly opened the door, there was no weight stopping the door from opening.

My eyes widen at the sight of Daehyun fingering himself on my bed, the male was holding onto the covers, smelling them.

He was getting off to my smell.

I felt confused, he always spoke about how he hated my smell, but now he's masturbating to it. I made eye contact with him, his eyes were filled with lust. It was tempting. This was dangerous.

"Take your suppressants" I move towards him. I held my breath. Usually I wouldn't care to help relieve Daehyun if given the chance, but this time I couldn't bring myself to do so.

I placed the water and meds on the dresser. I quickly turned to leave but Daehyun placed his arms around me from the back. Fuck, this won't be good. I was barely holding myself back.

"I want you~" Daehyun whispered "you smell nice" he muttered.

I began to make him let go "Dae, stop. I'm leave" I announced.

He laid his weight on me. Shit, his pheromones were overwhelmingly, they were lewd. I wanted to give in.

His lips glazed over my neck "you'll make me feel good" he whispered. I turned, pushing him to the bed, with my body hovering over his.

"Don't regret this then" I gave in. Daehyuns smile was adorable, he reached his arms up to draw me in.

I couldn't with stand his lust. I also wanted this.

*Daehyun's pov*

I sat at one of the unused benches in the quad. It was fairly quiet, many students had already been dismissed for spring break. I had one class left before I was off.

I tapped my notebook with the pen. I needed to get something on Kaius quick. Every time we do it, I feel as if we are closer and closer to getting exposed.

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