Chapter 30

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Trigger warning: Mention of SA, drug abuse, death

"Hyung your awake!" Doyun gripped my hand.

My vision was a bit bury and my body felt heavy. I looked around. Where was I? What happened?

"Kaius! He woke up!" Doyun began to cry "Hyung I thought you were going to die. You scared me!"

It was the first time I've seen Doyun cry.

Kaius rushed into the room "Daehyun! Are you okay, I'm sorry". "Why are you sorry?" My voice croaked.

"It's my fault Talia did this to you" Kaius grabbed my other hand and brought it to his face as he gently planted a kiss on it. That's right, Talia drugged me and that big guy did something. Did he—!

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach "It hurts" I huffed. "Hyung do you need water?" Doyun asked.

I gave a small nod as I groaned in pain. "I'll get it for you," Kaius told me. He released my hand as he began leaving. I didn't want him to leave, even if he was going to return. I wanted to keep him close and feel his presence.

After Kaius left the doctor walked in. "Daehyun, your up. I'm glad to see you're awake. How are you feeling" The doctor asked.

"My stomach hurts" I muttered. The doctor's expression changed. "What's wrong," I asked.

"Would you like for me to tell you in private?" He asked me. I looked at Doyun and then back to the doctor "No it's okay"

"You've consumed a lot of a pheromonal drug. It's a drug used to give betas the same effect as an omegas heat. To a beta it wouldn't affect them negatively, of course, there are side effects, but to an omega. It's detrimental. I'm sorry Daehyun... but your baby didn't make it."

My eyes widen "What?" I didn't think I heard him correctly. Did he say...

"The drug in your system was an abnormal about of dosage that it killed your baby" the doctor repeated.

I'm that moment I felt an immense sense of loss.

"I-it can't be. I'm a recessive" My eyes began to water as I felt my body go into shock. "I'm sorry... you were three weeks pregnant. For a recessive omega, it's harder to know your pregnant, all the pregnancy effects come later in the pregnancy" the doctor explained.

I looked to Doyun who covered his mouth in disbelief, tears began streaming down his face.

It felt real once I saw Doyun's reaction. It hit me. I felt deprived of air, as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." the doctor muttered "Please try to rest. You need it. Your body has been through so much" he began to leave.

Kaius walked in with the water. I looked at him in anguish. I began to sob. I couldn't believe it.

I was pregnant but— I lost it. My baby is gone. I moved my arms around my stomach as I wailed in agony.

My tears were uncontrollable and my heart ached.

Kaius moved beside me "Daehyun what's wrong" he tried to comfort me.

Doyun wiped his eyes "I'll give you guys some time" he murmured. He stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The words couldn't come out. This type of sorrow was an intense feeling. It felt like there was a knot in my throat. I was barely able to mutter Kaius' name.

Kaius was confused as to why I was crying. He must've assumed I was crying about the assault that happened. But he didn't push me to answer he just hugged me.

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