Chapter 28

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Trigger warning: Kidnapping, drug abuse, SA, Language

His breath was warm against my skin. His hands wandered every inch of my body. His lips left trails of hickeys. The sensational feeling he spread throughout my body was addicting.

I longed for the feeling of his lips against mine, our tongues would constantly meet with eagerness. The sweet aroma of his pheromones surrounded me.

Our bodies grinding together as attraction pulled us in deep. The hot and sweaty feeling made our time together all the more tempting.

His hands moved slowly down my torso, sending shivers and butterflies all over. The tingling and itchy feeling I felt down there as he'd explore deep inside me.

His tongue had no limit to where it went. His sexy grunts and moans as he pushed into me, were arousing. His breath on my neck with every stroke.

His hands would interlock with mine. He'd push them above my head, his grip so tight he'd never let go. Our lips would beg for more once they've made contact.

My voice would go from loud to soft airy moans. He left me speechless with his movements. I could only whisper his name.

I'd dig my nail into his back, trying to grip him as he thrusts. It all felt too good. It was a pleasure I'd never be able to give up.

"Kaius~ I~ love it~"

"This is our last lecture. Do not come next Thursday, you'll be the only person here. Our final exam will take place Monday of next week at 10 am. If you miss the exam there are no make-ups" The professor explained "Alright dismissed. See you guys at the exam. Be sure to get good sleep and study hard"

My classmates gathered their things as the professor finished speaking. I placed my notebook in my bag. It's been half a week since Kaius and I became secretly official.

Everything has been going smoothly. I hadn't yet been able to tell Shay the news, it's been hard to catch him.

Every time I saw him at school, he looked down and sad. It was obvious he was tired and stressed. What happened? I wanted to confront him and ask if anything was going on but I knew he'd only brush it off saying everything is going well or it's just his jinx.

I cared for him, but he made it hard to get to know him on a deeper level. It sucks thinking about it but I might have to ask Ambrose. I'm sure he knows. Maybe.

I exited my classroom. If and when I see Ambrose I'll asked him. He might not tell me if he knew. Whatever I had plans to meet with Kaius later. This time it going to be at his apartment.

I wanted to get him something that he'd enjoy. I know he doesn't like too many sweet foods. He was strange he didn't care for sweets but loved sweet and sugary drinks. That's it I'll get him his favorite drink.

The cafes weren't far from campus. It would be a nice walk and from there I could call an Uber to get to Kaius' place.

Kaius mentioned he would prefer me to call him for a ride, but I was sure he was busy studying or finishing projects. I didn't want to interrupt him.

My class had ended in the evening, which made sense as to why Kaius would prefer to pick me up. Though it wasn't dark or anything, it was only 6 o'clock and the sun was still out.

I walked with ease as if nothing could ruin my mood. I was finally happy in life.

Footsteps followed behind.

I couldn't wait to surprise Kaius later. I just hope he'd appreciate it and find it encouraging.

I turned down the block where the cafe was. It was a quick stop-by. The ordering process went smoothly and quickly. My drinks were out soon after I paid due to the cafe not being busy. "Thank you!" I nodded with gratitude.

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