Side story 6

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*Shays POV*

*Trigger warning: mention of SA and R*pe*

"Thank you, Mommy!" Frasia smiled brightly. I looked down at her "Let's go back to Ambrose, he's waiting with food" I smiled.

"Upsy" she put her arms up indicating she wanted to be picked up. "Oh my dear" I lifted her making grunting sounds "Goodness you're getting heavy"

"No I'm just growing bigger" she smiled.

I began walking with her in my arms "Are you having a fun time?". "Yes! Yes! Today has been the best!" She waved her arms around.

"Woah careful, I don't want to drop you" I smiled, "make sure you give Ambrose a big thank you" 

"I will! I'll give him a big hug too" she giggled. "You do that" I laughed.

My shoulder collided with a man in a black suit. I looked back at him to apologize, there were two others ahead in suits that I locked eyes with "Oh I'm sorry I didn't—." I came to a stop. My heart began to race as my breathing felt limited. I could feel everything in my body grow weak, I felt like collapsing.

I quickly turn around. I placed my hand on Fraisa's head, pushing her into my chest to prevent her face from being seen "E-excuse m-me" I stuttered.

"Hey, do I know you from somewhere" I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Don't touch me!" I yelled slapping his hand away.

My breathing became heavy. "Mommy?" Frasia muttered.

"I'm s-s-sorry" I kept my back towards the men. I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't move, they just trembled. I could feel eyes being drawn towards us due to my yell.

"Are you alright?" He stepped closer. A familiar scent began to fog my mind. It's him. I can't. I need to run. I want to run.

"That's where you were. Sorry, my mate has separation anxiety. I was away for too long" Ambrose's voice spoke. I glance up to see him. His arm was placed around my shoulders "Sorry love, are you feeling alright? Sorry again, we'll be on our way" he began leading me away.

I held Frasia in a tight grip as if she were about to be taken away.

"I want to go ho-ome" My eyes watered. My breath became unstable as I began to gasp for air. Everything felt tight. My chest hurt and my body felt weak.

"Okay okay" Ambrose tried to soothe me. He took Fraisa from my arms. I was hesitant to let go but allowed him to do so.

"What's wrong?" Fraisa asked in a worried voice. "Mommy's tired, so we're going to go home now" Ambrose stated.

"Are you calm now?" Ambrose asked. He came from Frasia's room closing the door gently, "she's asleep"

Ambrose had helped me previously to regain a calm state, I wasn't able to think rationally or able to catch my breath.

I looked down at my fingers as I fidgeted with them. I sat on the couch trying to relax my anxious mind. I could only think of the worst possible "You're the only one who can get her to sleep in her room" I spoke quietly. Usually, Frasia slept in my room, but Ambrose was able to get her to sleep on her own.

I took a deep breath as I placed my hands over my eyes.

"What happened back there?" Ambrose asked.

I wiped my eyes before looking at him "I-I saw her d-dad" Thinking about it made my heart began to beat fast once again. I tried to keep my breathing under control.

Ambrose sat next to me. He placed his arms around me attempting to comfort me.

Why? Why was he so kind to me at this moment? Anyone could mistake his actions for a deeper meaning.

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