Side story 14

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*Laims POV*
*Trigger Warning: R*pe, SA*

I watched Shay from another table. I wasn't yet noticed by him, he seemed so caught up with his fiancé.

"I'm surprised things are going fairly well, especially this being arranged" His fiancé spoke, "I think I got lucky"

Shay gently smiled as he looked at his fingers "You aren't so bad yourself"

"Aren't so bad? I'm outstanding" His fiancé joked as Shay laughed.

Laughing with another man. Doesn't Shay know he's just using him? Don't fall for it.

I didn't understand why Shay didn't rebel. He never wanted an arranged marriage. He wanted to fall in love. This isn't how his story should go! That should be me.

I clenched my fist. I wanted to burst out and destroy anything and everything. I'll remind him that he's nothing to that Alpha, no one treasures him more than I do!

I became obsessive. He was my shining star and I was his world. Together we were perfect.

Why doesn't he see that? I can never have things go my way. If I can't have him then no one can.

"Please stop! I'm begging you, it hurts" Shay cried.

I sat back watching as the baseball team have their way with Shay. He needed to be reminded that no one is his friend. No one is on his side, but me.

"Oh shit! This is amazing! I'm going to shoot my load!" The captain groaned as he thrusts into Shay. He held his waist as he pounded his ass faster "I'm- going—."

Instantly my eyes widen. What was going on? They're touching what's mine!

How could this happen? I'm always by Shay's side how could they—.

I walked over. My eyes widen in horror at the sight of them abusing Shay. Anger rushed through my whole body.

I punched the captain forcing him off. "What the fuck man!" The captain yowled.

I didn't speak a word. I got on top of him and began hitting him repeatedly. How dare he hurt my Shay!

"Liam what's gotten into you?" The team began to pull me off. I began throwing punches at them as well. None of them were safe from my anger.

"You fucking insane!" One yelled before grabbing his clothes and running. One by one they began leaving.

The captain laid unconscious under me. I could end it. I could end him. I placed my hands around his neck.

The noise of Shay groaning in pain snapped me out of my frustration. I turned to him.

"Shay!" I hurried to him "shit, are you okay?" I stared at him with worry. I placed my hand on his head.

Shay slapped it away.

Why? "Why are you looking at me with those eyes?" I stared at him. His eyes were wide, they were filled with fear and hate.

"G-get away" his voice shook "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled "I HATE YOU" he sobbed.

What did I do so wrong? "Shay—," I muttered. I couldn't understand. I couldn't recall how we got to that position.

"Hey, it's okay—," I muttered. Shay backed away when I reached for him again "Don't touch me!" He grabbed his clothes and stumbled to his feet. He fell before he could reach the door.

"Careful! Let me help you" I moved to him. Again Shay slapped my hands away, refusing my help. "never touch me again." He muttered before stumbling to his feet again.

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