Chapter 20

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"Mmm" I rubbed my eyes before sitting up in bed. The night before Kaius and I stayed up talking about life, family, school, every topic one could think of.

The storm had continued into the early morning, which meant Kaius ended up staying over.

I glanced to the sleeping body next to me. A soft smile crawled onto my face. I allowed myself to stretch my arms wide into the air, a quiet squeal came along as I stretched.

Kaius was supposed to move to the couch, but we ended up falling asleep before that.

I laid back down facing Kaius. Him and Ambrose had a lot of similar features, especially when sleeping, they nearly looked identical. Though, Kaius slept like a troll while Ambrose is a literal prince.

I gently brushed hair out of his face. Kaius opened his eyes. A small smile came onto his face as he grabbed my hand and placing it on his cheek, which were warm "morning" he closed his eyes. Damn his morning voice was sexy.

This man got me wanting to melt.

"Morning" I said back "don't you have class today?"


"Then get up you big lug" I moved my hand to nudge him.

Kaius gave a small grin staring at me "I can skip"

"That'll affect your grade" I began to roll him over by pushing him closer to the edge of the bed.

Kaius lead against my push "I don't care, I'm tired! You kept me up all night" he groaned.

"Me? Your funny" I laughed as I tried to push him again.

Kaius began to tip off the bed "ahh wait" he tried to grab me, but I avoided his hands. I watched as he fell off the bed, making a light thud

I laughed as he just laid there "idiot. You might wanna do something with that hair" I was referring to his crazy bed hair.

Kaius playfully rolled his eyes. He ran his fingers through his wild hair "how bad is it?". "Very! You look like a lion" I giggled.

He laughed as he stood up walking into my bathroom to see "oh dang" he chuckled. I assumed he turned on the faucet to fix it by the running sound of water.

My attention turned to my door as it opened, "Hyung, come down. Let's eat together" Doyun said. I doubted Doyun noticed that Kaius was still over.

"Sure, I'll be down" I nodded as Doyun closed the door as he left.

I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom. Kaius was leaning his head under the sink faucet.

"Can I barrow a towel?" He asked. "Here" I grabbed the towel that was hanging up at the door and tossed it at him.

"Don't you think you're a little spoiled?" He turned the water off. He began to dry his wet hair.

"No, why would you think that?"

"Big ass house, room, bathroom and you even got yourself a mini house out back" he chuckled.

I scoffed "Your house is bigger then ours so hush"

Kaius laughed as he turned to me. He had the towel placed on his head, barely trying to dry his hair properly. I moved towards him "you gotta dry it all the way" I reach up as I began trying to help him.

He crouched so I could reach his head comfortably.

I heard my door open once more, which I assumed it was Doyun reminding me to come down "in the bathroom" I said to give my location.

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