Chapter 3 (18+)

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A few days after the incident with Kaius, everything has been silent on Kaius' side. I was in a constant state of worry, afraid that the word had gotten out or that Ambrose might've found out.

Keeping my second gender a secret was a big deal- to my parents. I was tired of missing out on events due to the fact that my parents didn't want to risk anyone learning about my true identity.

After my parents found out I was an omega they worried about their reputation for being a perfect 'alpha' family- though I like to think it's because they care for my safety and well-being 'as an omega' in a cruel messed up world.

Being an omega means everything is your fault- if an alpha acts out, it's the omegas fault for flaunting their pheromones around. It's also very hard to find a job without connections, omegas are treated like scum and tools for pleasure— what a cursed world.

I was seated in the quad, underneath a large tree with some of my work on my lap. The sound of laughter surrounded me, as fellow student chatted with one another. Athletes played flag football—or any sport in that matter—while girls sat to the side gossiping and watching them, cooing and giggling every time one of the boys looked their way, boosting those knuckleheads egos.

It was strange that Kaius hadn't asked me to do anything for him, I hadn't even seen him in the past two days and when I did see him he didn't ask for anything. Didn't say a word. In a crowd of people he'd stared at me with piercing eyes. It wouldn't usually bother me but he knew things I didn't want getting out, making the pressure of his gaze breath taking with anxiety.

"Daehyun" Ambrose called out, he was approaching from the great hall, next to him stood a shorter female, she was pal with rosy cheeks, her hair was brown and long, stopping on the middle of her back. She seemed like his type. Long lashes, naturally beautiful, blue eyes, a beta- I couldn't help but to feel jealous.

I forced a smile as they sat down beside me. "This is Bailey. Bailey, Dae" Ambrose introduce us. I gave a small nod.

"Hey~" she dragged out her word. She sounded like a typical rich girl trust fund baby.

I look down at my work as Ambrose leaned into me, allowing our shoulders to meet. Just a little touch from him sent butterflies, "I was looking for you, at my party"

It felt nice to hear Ambrose was looking for me, but instead of butterflies, my stomach turned into knots. I never went. I was with Kaius all night— "I was able to stop by for a little bit. My parents— you know how they can be.." I hated lying to him.

"Right. You're 22 now, they need to loosen up—." Disturbing noises caught his attention.

My attention too was turned to three males that surround a smaller one, who was seated at the picnic table. The three seemed to be pissed off by the other, maybe something happened- who cares it wasn't any of my business.

Though It was hard to ignore them since the three were using strong foul language and offensive slurs—cunt, slut, bitch, faggot—were a few of the words used. (I do not support calling anyone those words- it's just for the story)

"All that commotion, acting like high schoolers" Ambrose scoffed as he stood up. I raised a brow with confusion. Was Ambrose going to step in? He was always the type to stand up for other- that's one of the things I adore so much about him.

"Oh I think that's Shay, I have a few classes with him. He's very shy and to himself" Bailey spoke with fake Symphony "poor guy, always getting bothered by alphas because he's an omega. He has quite a reputation amongst them."

Another omega? I haven't met many omegas at this school. I stared at Shay.

"Get the fuck up bitch!" One male leaned in getting in his face. Shay ignored them. "Don't fucking ignoring us!" They snapped.

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