Chapter 4

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"Asshole tells me to make time for him but he's two hours late" I impatiently checked my phone for the time.

Two hours past the agreed upon time-- the time he chose and wouldn't change despite me having a life with a schedule. 

I waited in the cafe Kaius picked. everything was him him him, his time ad his place of choice. I felt like a lap dog he'd stroke on the head for doing a trick. He says jump, i say how high-- embarrassing, why him of all people that could'e caught me. him. The universe had something against me.

He got me looking stupid, waiting for--'my master', my tormentor, some bullshit like that--him. 

It felt as if I were stood up for a date. I tapped my finger against my empty cup that I finished less than an hour ago.

I shot glances at the door every time the bell that hung above rang, and every time it wasn't Kaius.

"I bet he did this for a laugh" I grumbled to myself. I stood with annoyance burning through my body like wild fire spreading through dry tall grass. I'll just go to his place and give him a piece of me mind.

Only frustration coursed through my body. I  wasted my morning, I missed out on seeing my grandfather—I didn't care so much about going anyway, grandpa would only laugh and ponder at how unsuccessful I was.

I was more so upset with myself for waiting long, looking stupid, listening to the workers whisper behind my back.

Kaius, you fucking asshole.

"Dae! Sorry the shoot went longer than expected" I turned my head to see Kaius jogging my direction. I though apologies was below--He came out like that? He looked like an idol that ran off the stage after performing for hours. This looked straight out of a Korean drama— with an American twist. He looked good—eh he was mid. I would never dare to give him more credit than he deserved, especially if it would boost his ego, causing to erupt and flood the whole city.

Kaius wore a black suit pants with gold beading on the right leg. His top matched, with the same Gold beading. The two bottom buttons were buttoned up while the rest daring to hide his firm chest gleamed with an oily shine, almost as bright as he damn snarky smile.

His pushed back, only a single strand fell forward in his face, giving him the ideal bad boy face and hair-- or a princely look if we included the outfit.

Eyes were watching as people past us, I'm positive most of them thought we were either practicing for a movie about an idol and some bullshit love story for a plot or he was just an idol with his manager.

My eye began to sting, the dude was a beaming light of handsomeness. It pissed me off. "Whatever. Why'd you have me cancel plans for you when you were busy yourself?"

"Because" he didn't answer my question "Cmon I need to get back to the shoot". A scoff left my lip as I turned the opposite way that he came from.

Kaius stepped in front of me "I didn't want to do it either, our father organization a shoot for Ambrose and I" His voice held resentment towards his dad.

"Ambrose is there?" interest peeked.

Kaius' face shifted to a frown "eh yeah" he began walking away "You don't even want to come so why would you care?" He side glanced me with a hidden smirk.

I quickly followed after him "my plans were canceled anyway, so why not" I had a soft smile. I wanted to see Ambrose, I wanted to talk to him.

"Car is that way" Kaius pointed towards his black Cadillac. "Why did your dad arrange shoots anyway?" I questioned.

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