Side Story 7

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*Shays POV*


Liam was my first real friend and my first real crush. I admired him. He stood up for me whenever others picked on me. He even taught me how to defend myself.

Because of him, my life got better. I was sure that Liam only saw me as a friend and nothing more, but deep down I had hope that I was something more to him than just a friend.

"Excuse me but is Liam around? He told me to meet him here" I visited the baseball teams club room. "He's not here just yet" the captain of the team glanced at the other guys before smirking "You can come in and wait" he offered.

I had gotten comfortable with the feeling of being untouchable because of Liam I didn't think much of it. I could say I was gullible.

"Okay, will he be here soon?" I stepped in. One of the members closed the door behind me.

"yeah, he's probably on his way now. You know, I always see you and Liam together. Are you guys dating" The captain made small talk. I shook my head fast "No! Of course not. We're just friends" I gave a little smile. "It seems to me that you like him" another spoke. There were only eight of them in the club room at that moment. The others were either in class or skipping.

They circled around me, keeping a distance. I felt small compared to them, they were tall and fit.

"I-I don't like him!" I quickly spoke. The captain stepped forward "You know he's an alpha right?" He asked. "Well yeah, I do" I nodded.

"I wonder. It's said that omegas get wet when they smell the pheromones of the person they like. Or was it they get wet when then they smell pheromones in general" The captain smirked. "What?" My eyes widened. I began to take in the situation.

"The only way to find out is to try it huh?" The captain chuckled. Everyone in the club room was a beta beside one guy who was seating furthest from me.

I covered my nose when the alpha began releasing his pheromones. "Damn look at how red his face is getting" one male chuckled. They all began stepping towards me. "I wonder if omegas are as tight as they say they are". "Can he take all of us?". "He better"

The captain placed his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed it and twisted behind his back "Don't touch me!" I snapped. My heart began racing. I need to get out of here!

"Fucking bitch!" The captain shouted in pain. I pushed him forward, kicking his knee. "Shit! Grab him!" The captain shouted as he rubbed his knee to make the pain go away. They began getting closer to me, I put my hands up ready to fight. There were too many of them.

I threw a punch at the closest guy to me, hitting him in the nose, I made sure to hit hard enough to break it. One grabbed my hair, pulling my head back. I placed my hands over his, as I kicked my leg back into his crotch. "Ahh!" He instantly released me and fell to the ground.

My breathing became unstable as the alpha's pheromones became too strong.

My body began to feel weak. "Little shit!" The captain punched me. I fell back into another guy, he grabbed my arms holding them. "Let me go!" I shouted.

"Shut up!" Another guy kicked me in the stomach. I gasped for air "Please... Stop" I whispered.

"You must be weak to pheromones, you went down faster than expected" The captain began to undo his pants. The guys around cheered and laughed "Fill him up!"

"No stop! Don't!" I cried. I kicked my legs while my pants were being ripped off, "Someone help me! Liam! Help me!". "We said shut up!" Another slapped my face "Be a good little slut and be obedient". I spat in his face "Liam isn't going to be happy! He's going to get back at you guys!"

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