Chapter 7

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"Auntie!" I came up behind Auntie Keko while she finished preparing dinner.

"Daehyun" Auntie turned "it's been a while baby, I've missed you so much! I thought we'd see you at Ambrose's birthday, I even sent Kaius to fetch you" she smuggled me with a hug.

"Uh right.. my parents- you know how they are" I quickly came up with an excuse. I glanced over to Kaius who walked in. "Those two. I'll give them a good talkin to"

"Mom aren't you going to say hi to your real son?" Kaius opened his arms, indicating that he wanted a hug.

Keko looked at him "boy I see you everyday. We even got you your own place and now we see you more often then when you actually lived here" she smiled releasing me from her hug.

"Mama I just miss your cooking" Kaius smiled as he walked towards her finally getting his hug.

"Your all grown up but still my little baby, set the table for me. Daehyun would you be a dear and help him?"

"Of course" I nodded. It was good to see auntie, she's been my only support for years. She treated me like one of her own. "Cmon, mamas boy" I teased Kaius as I grabbed the plates.

"Mmm" Kaius chuckled as he grabbed the silverware.

"Auntie, will uncle and Ambrose be joining?" I asked.

"Unfortunately my love is working late tonight but Ambrose is joining. He said he had some things to do before then" she spoke softly.

I'm glad I'd get to see Ambrose again today. After what happened earlier, I wanted to ask him his reason to wanting to kiss me. Was he doing it because he was interested or just something else.

"Get your head out the clouds and put the plates down you dork" Kaius frowned. It was like he was reading my mind.

I stuck my tongue out "I am I am, big baby"

"Thank you auntie everything was delicious" I patted my stomach. I glanced around and towards the front door. Ambrose hadn't arrived yet. What was taking him long, we've already finished eating.

"Of course! I can teach you sometime. Cooking is a good skill, it's also a great way into someone's heart" She spoke before eyeing me "is there anyone your interested in?"

My face became flustered "oh um not at the moment-."

"You sure about that?" Kaius smirked. I quickly shot him a look before kicking his leg. "Ow the fuck!"

Keko gave Kaius a warning look. "Sorry ma'am" Kaius rubbed his shin.

"I don't. But I'd love to learn from you" I gave a smile. She clapped her hands "perfect I can show you my boy's favorites"

"Their favorites?" I gave a nervous laugh. "What's the point in teaching him, he'll only botch it" Kaius scoffed.

"Excuses me! I'm not one to mess up on cooking, I'm a pretty good cook already" I puffed out my chest.

"Don't to lie to yourself" Kaius laughed. Keko smiled as she watched us bicker at each other.

"Sorry mom I'm late I was finishing up on a school project" Ambrose entered. Finally! "Hey Dae I would've came sooner if I'd known you were joining us"

"Did Kaius not tell you" Keko asked. All eyes went to Kaius. He simply sipped his water and shrugged "I must've forgotten" he smiled.

"Well are you hungry?" Keko asked. Ambrose shook his head "I had a late lunch."

"Okay then you can eat later" she smiled "alright boys clean up the table and put the dishes in the washer"

"Yes ma'am" kaius stood taking his plate. It was nice having dinner with them. It was refreshing, my family rarely have dinners together and if we did it would be awkward silences.

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