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Lexa: "Mommy, what are they going to do to me?"

Alyica Woods was sitting in the hospital bed with her six-year-old daughter Lexa, stroking her hair.

Alycia: "They're going to take out your tonsils honey. And they won't hurt ever again."

Lexa: "Will Doctor Abby be there?"

Alycia: "Yes baby, she'll be there watching over you."

Lexa: "But how do they get them out?"

Alycia: "They just reach in and snatch them away."

Lexa: "Will it hurt?"

Alyica: "No baby, you'll be fast asleep and dreaming. You won't feel a thing."

She kissed the top of her head.

Lexa: "Promise?"

Alyica: "I promise honey, you'll wake up and it will all be over. And then you can eat all the ice cream that you want."

Lexa: "Chocolate?"

Alyica: "Lots and lots of chocolate."

Dr. Abby popped her head into the hospital room.

Abby: "Good morning Lexa, good morning Lexa's mommy."

"Good morning Doctor Abby." Lexa said with a huge smile on her face. She loved her doctor. She thought she was beautiful, with her long hair and brown eyes, and she looked so clean in her white coat.

Abby: "Lexa, I have a surprise visitor for you."

Lexa: "Oh, who, who?" she clapped excitedly.

Dr. Abby waved at someone from the hallway, and Lexa strained her neck to see who it was.

Abby: "Clarke, come over here, I want you to meet my favorite patient."

Lexa watched as a shy little girl came tip toeing into her hospital room. She had mounds of curly blonde hair sitting on top of her head and big blue eyes. She was no bigger than herself, and Lexa thought she looked like an angel. She had a tiny white coat on like the doctor and a plastic stethoscope around her neck.

Abby grabbed Clarke's hand and led her over to Lexa's bed.

Abby: "Clarke, say hi to Lexa."

Clarke smiled with her tongue out and reached out her hand,

Clarke: "Hi Lexi."

Lexa was so mesmerized by Clarke that she didn't even bother to correct her when she said her name wrong. She put her hand out and took Clarke's and shook it, like she'd seen adults do.

Lexa: "Hi Clarke."

She looked over to her mom who nodded her head with approval.

Clarke: "I'm gonna be a doctor like my mom,"

Lexa: "Are you going to take tonsils out, too?"

Clarke nodded her head.

Dr. Abby looked at Lexa's mom.

Abby: "This is what happens when the sitter calls in sick. I get to do rounds with my six-year-old." She looked down at her pager,

Abby: "Oh, I have a call, I'll be right back, c'mon Clarke."

Lexa looked to her mom.

Lexa:"Can't she stay with us mommy?"

Lexa's mom looked to Abby, who smiled and nodded her head.

Abby: "Clarke, do you want to stay here and keep Lexa company?"

Clarke: "Yes, I need to make her better."

Abby: "There you have it, my daughter the future doctor. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Alycia: "Take your time, we're certainly not going anywhere."

The girls spent a couple hours together, both of them lying in bed watching cartoons. Every once in a while, Clarke would sneak out of the room and rob the snack cart, bringing Lexa jellos and puddings. They giggled at silly stuff and laid on each other like puppies.

When Abby finally made it back to the room the two girls were curled up coloring in a book that Lexa's mom had brought from home. "

Abby: "Clarke, we have to go now."

Clarke: "No mommy, a little while longer. We're having so much fun."

Abby: "Lexa has to get some sleep, we're taking her tonsils out tomorrow to make her feel better. But to do that she needs to be well rested and strong. Okay?"

Clarke pouted, she didn't want to leave her new friend just yet. But she wanted her to be strong so she could feel better.

Clarke: "Okay. Bye Lexi."

Lexa pulled her into a fierce hug,

Lexa: "Bye Clarke, will you visit me again?"

"Yes, won't we mommy?" Clarke asked, looking up at Abby.

Abby: "We'll try, now let's go, we got to get you home and in the bath tub and then into your pj's." Abby lifted Clarke off the bed and put her feet on the ground. She reached down and held her hand to guide her out of the room. Clarke kept looking back and waving at Lexa.

When they were gone, Lexa opened the book they were coloring in. She had made Clarke draw a picture of herself. She smiled, reached out and touched the picture and looked over at her mom,

Lexa: "This is my new friend Clarke, mommy. She looks like an angel. She's my angel. She's so pretty."

Alycia: "I know honey. But we have to get you to bed. So, let me have the book and let's tuck you in."

Lexa reluctantly gave the book to her mom, and crawled under the covers.

Alycia: "Now, good night my precious baby,"

Lexa: "Night mommy.  Mommy?"

Alycia: "Yes?"

Lexa: "Will Clarke come back to visit me?"

Alyica: "I think she'll try honey, now go to sleep."

Lexa: "Mommy, can I live with Clarke when I'm big?"

Alycia: "You can live with whoever makes you happy."

That made Lexa smile.


End of Prologue 1

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