Chapter 36

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It was the first time Lexa was on the basketball court with the tall, imposing senior from their arch rival.  They were both centers, but Luna towered over her at the time. Lexa had her back to the basket, her hands up waiting for a pass, and Luna bumped her slightly from behind and whispered, "You're fucking hot." Well, fumbly, bumbly freshman that she was, Lexa dropped her hands, stunned and embarrassed, as the heat crept up into her cheeks. Next thing she knew the pass came at her and smacked her right in the face. Luna reached around, elbows flying, connecting with Lexa's orbital socket, stole the ball and started a fast break the other way. Lexa's coach pulled her from the game, sat her down, and gave her an ice bag. She sported a black eye from that elbow for a week afterwards. "No, you never did apologize."

"Well, I'm sorry. So, who kissed who?"

"She kissed me," Lexa said before she realized what was happening. It slipped out. She didn't mean for it to. It was an involuntary reaction, like when a doctor tested your reflexes by hitting your knee with that little rubber hammer. Clarke was gonna kill her. Damn it. Luna and her powers of interrogation.

"The kissing part was quite obvious."  

Damn it, Luna and her powers of observation. All of these served her well on the force. She was a detective for the Southwest district police department. She was one of their top investigators.

"It was not obvious," Lexa countered, hoping to god Luna was wrong.

"Totally was. What are you going to do about it?"

Lexa caught sight of Luna's glock, holstered under her armpit. "Is that your gun there, your concealed weapon?" she asked, trying to distract from the investigation at hand.

"I'm heading into work in an hour." Luna poked her in the ribs. "What are you going to do about it?"

"About what? You going to work?" Surely this would throw her off the scent.

"About the attraction between you and Clarke? You said she was engaged."

Think Lexa, think, "You said you were gonna take me shooting sometime, when can we do that?"  The heat from her bedside lamp was starting to make her sweat, did Luna purposefully aim it at her at some point?

"Lexa, don't make me put you in a choke hold. What are you going to do about Clarke?"

Lexa relented a little bit, being held in a naked choke hold by Luna, at any other time, might be enjoyable, but not at this particular moment. "I'm not going to do anything. She's engaged. And that means off limits. I have to respect that." Lexa paused. Then added, "And it doesn't matter, because we don't even like each other."

Luna stared at her.

"What?" Lexa asked suspiciously.


"We don't like each other. I'm gonna try and stay away from her."

The stare continued.

"I'm really staying away from her."

Now Anya was in the doorway staring at her.

Super sleuth Luna kept interrogating. "If you don't like her, then why do you have to try and stay away from her? I would think that would be easy."

"Isn't somebody supposed to be making breakfast? Two eggs scrambled? Wheat toast? Is there bacon?"

"Bacon's fattening. You don't want Clarke to think you're gaining weight, do you? Why do you have to try and stay away from her?"

Lexa remained mute.

"Lexa?" Few could not answer Luna when she turned her steely, amber gaze upon them.

Lexa's head continued to pound, her brain foggy, her stomach rumbling. Her not so steadfast resolve crumbling right before her eyes. "Because she's sexy as fuck. There, I said it. I wanna do unspeakable things to her body. Happy? I wanna hear her scream my name in ecstasy. Anything else?"

"Nope, that about says it all. Scrambled egg breakfast coming up."

And with that Lexa was left alone with thoughts of sexy Clarke running through her brain.

"You owe me twenty bucks," she heard Luna say to Anya.


Chapter 36

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