Chapter 11

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Clarke and Finn were in bed Sunday night, both reading files from their respective jobs.

"John wants us to come to this charity dinner. It's in a few months. I'm giving you plenty of notice. He's looking at buying another practice, and wants us all there to meet and schmooze with the doc who owns it. The doc evidently has a deaf child, so the charity is for some deaf school."

Clarke groaned, she hated John Murphy, who was Finn's boss. "Do I have to?"

"Why? John likes you."

"He hits on me all the time. And you don't even care."

"Oh, he's harmless. You missed the last dinner we were all invited to, you owe me."

Clarke knew she hadn't been very attentive to Finn's needs recently, in the bedroom and the proverbial boardroom. "OK, fine."

"Maybe you could wear that black dress, you look great in that."

"Well, that'll guarantee him hitting on me." That particular dress was slinky and low cut, hugging her in all the right places. She loved to wear it, but not around John. He made her skin crawl.

Finn considered the matter closed, expecting Clarke to come to the dinner and wear the dress. "My mom keeps asking if we've settled on a exact date for the wedding."

"I don't care, pick a date," Clarke said as she made notes in the margin of a patient's report.

Finn looked over at her, "You don't care? It's your wedding day, I thought all women cared about their wedding day," he said jokingly.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Clarke said.

"I know, I'm just teasing you. How about September nineteenth?"


"That was easy."

"What can I say, I'm easy."

"Oh, we were supposed to tell Lexa if she was picking up the dog tomorrow. Crap, I forgot to tell you that."

"I already told her yesterday."

"Oh good. She's nice, really attractive."

Clarke glanced over to him, knowing his penchant for brunettes, "She's gay."

"I only said she was attractive, I didn't mean anything else." He heard Clarke sigh.

"Speaking of easy, you wanna have sex tonight?" he asked, looking over at her with a leer.

Clarke felt her insides go a little cold. She definitely did not feel like having sex. She knew it had been a while, and this was not normal behavior. She kept chalking it up to stress and exhaustion, not allowing the thought that maybe he didn't turn her on anymore to enter into her brain.

Well, it may have entered, but she immediately kicked it out. "I'm so beat, I have surgery in the morning, rain check?" she asked hopefully.

"Sure, next time." Finn put his file on the night stand and turned off his light. He leaned over and gave Clarke a chaste kiss on the lips. "Good night babe."

"Good night." She looked over at him as he instantly fell asleep. She was jealous, she usually tossed and turned for a good bit before falling asleep. His hand was laying on her thigh. She looked at it and thought about Lexa's hands.

In her mind, she compared the two and found his lacking. She was surprised at herself for having such thoughts, what the hell made her think of that woman's hands? She shook her head and tried to concentrate on her surgery for tomorrow. She would be up and out early tomorrow, so she wouldn't even see Lexa.

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