Chapter 74

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Clarke's eyes slowly opened, blinking from the moonlight leaking in from the edges of the curtains. It took a moment for the clock to come into focus. It was almost four a.m. Her last orgasm seemed like minutes ago, but in reality, it had been three hours. Three long hours. She was getting spoiled. She had half a mind to wake Lexa up and demand service. But who was she kidding, she had half a mind to wake Lexa up and service her. Both kittens were sleeping above their heads, stretched out along the pillows. Thumper picked his head up to see what was what, but then immediately put his head back down, too drowsy to care.

Clarke closed her eyes, trying to fall back asleep because she knew she'd have to leave soon. She'd have to find the strength to disentangle herself from the beautiful woman wrapped in her arms right now. She placed a soft kiss on Lexa's shoulder, smiling to herself as she thought of their night together. The word spectacular didn't even do it justice. Epic, otherworldly, fantabulous. If that was even a word. She did know one thing-it was-without a doubt, the best sex of her life. The physical nature of her relationship with Finn was not even close. Not even in the same stratosphere. Her heart and mind were so full of love, she almost cried. Okay, a small tear did escape, and she brushed it away.

Of course, there was the small dollop of dread that existed somewhere in the pit of her stomach when she thought about telling her parents, telling them about Lexa. She hadn't gotten that far yet. Lunch with her mom the other week was a tense affair, as her mom badgered and bullied her to reconsider her "choices." Saying it wasn't too late to regain her sanity. Telling her all about how she also had cold feet before her marriage, that it was perfectly normal.

She couldn't wait to lay this one on them. "Hey mom and dad, remember that thing with Niylah all those years ago? Well, it wasn't a phase that I grew out of. And, oh by the way, meet Lexa, quite possibly, the love of my life." Yeah, that'll be fun, Clarke thought. It gave her a headache just thinking about it. And a tummy ache. She reached down and rubbed her belly, suddenly feeling queasy.

Clarke crept out of bed, both dogs padding silently behind her, and went into the hall bath. She peed and flushed, and the queasiness turned into full blown nausea. She staggered to the ground, gripping the sides of the toilet, and retched into the bowl.

When her stomach calmed down, she got up and splashed water on her face. She fished around under the sink and found a new toothbrush, still in the wrapper. She hunted around and found a travel-size toothpaste and brushed her teeth.

By four thirty, she was snuggled back against Lexa, wondering if too much sex could make you sick. Maybe she missed that in her Gastroenterology classes. She smiled at herself, knowing that wasn't the real reason. Probably all the stress from the last month, all the texts from her parents saying how she was ruining her life. Yeah, that would make anyone sick. Her eyes drooped, and her breath evened out as she fell back asleep.

When Clarke woke up again, it was eight a.m. She was thirsty, so she decided to get up and get a glass of water. She pulled on one of Lexa's University of Oregon T-shirts and made her way to the kitchen, four furry bodyguards hot on her heels. She stopped short when she got there, so short in fact that Yogi banged into Milo, who banged into the back of Clarke's legs, making her stumble forward. Tigger got scared and Halloween kitty'd across the room hissing. Thumper got tangled in her legs and down she went, right on her backside, T-shirt hiked up past her hips, lady bits on full display. She grabbed at the hem and yanked it down, trying in vain to maintain some semblance of dignity in front of an unexpected audience. An audience of two.

Anya and Luna were sitting at the kitchen table. Anya was eating a bowl of cereal and Luna was reading the newspaper. Clarke quickly got to her feet, a hot flush creeping across her cheeks as she looked at the two women. "Uh, hi?"

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