Chapter 72

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That tiny space between their mouths disappeared as Clarke pressed moist lips to Lexa's. Both exhaled into the other's mouth, groaning with pleasure. Their lips moved in tandem, opening at the same time as tongues explored and entwined. For the first time there was no rush, no worry of interruptions, no guilt. The pace was leisurely, each content to just explore. Lips and tongues melded perfectly together, as they teased and searched, reacquainting themselves with each other's rhythm.

Lexa's hands wandered over Clarke's back, then sank low to grab her ass and squeeze-pulling her closer, slipping her leg between Clarke's-grinding with her hips to try and soothe the sweet ache between her legs. Her lips trailed down Clarke's neck, her teeth nipping and her tongue soothing.

Clarke pulled back, and Lexa stopped the assault on her neck. With seductive eyes, Clarke took a step backwards, blue never leaving green, as she slowly pulled off her jacket and dropped it on the chair. She continued walking away from Lexa and towards the bedroom, stopping long enough to remove her shoes. Next came the sweater, getting tossed back down the hallway, leaving her in a tank top and jeans. She crooked a finger back at Lexa to encourage pursuit.

Lexa fainted, or died, or both. At least it felt like she did. Because this was a dream come to life, a dream from last week, with Clarke beckoning to her, stripping down and leading her to the promised land. She may have whimpered, a pathetic sound that she hoped Clarke didn't hear. She threw her glasses on the table and took off after her, stocking feet slipping on the wood flooring. She righted herself and caught Clarke at the entrance to the bedroom, grabbing her outstretched hand. Kicking back with her leg, she shut the door, not wanting any furry interruptions.

Clarke jammed Lexa against the closed door and brought her mouth to Lexa's for another knee-knocking kiss. She broke it off and continued leading her by the hand, heading towards the bed. "Let me warn you, I'm pretty good at this."

Lexa didn't know how she was managing to put one foot in front of the other. "Yes, we did establish that you're a good kisser."

Clarke stopped at the bed, re-positioning them so that the back of Lexa's knees bumped into the bed frame. She leaned in to Lexa's ear, "I'm not talking about kissing."

Up went Lexa's brows, "Oh yeah?" A sly smile made it to her lips. "Well. I'm pretty good at that, too."

Clarke leered at her, "I guess we're about to find out..." she moved in, kissing Lexa again, sucking on her bottom lip and releasing it, "who's better."

It sounded like a win-win to Lexa. She put hands behind Clarke's head to bring her closer, "I accept that challenge," she said, her voice throaty and low, giving Clarke a feather-light kiss. Anticipation flowed through her veins, pumping out in every direction. Lexa's chest was heaving, the ache low in her belly threatening to unhinge her. Right now, Clarke filled her world. The thought of finally touching her was almost too much to bear.

Clarke's arms encircled her neck as she pulled Lexa in for another passionate, furious kiss, pressing fully into Lexa's body. When they broke apart, Clarke caressed her cheek, lips twitching at the corners, "Any other dares?" she asked suggestively.

Lexa's eyes darkened with desire, she had a string of dares floating around in her head right now. "I dare you to take my shirt off," she said seductively, leaning in to playfully nip at Clarke's bottom lip.

Clarke hooked her fingers around the bottom Lexa's hoodie and whipped it over her head, tossing it aside. She ran a hand over the soft red T-shirt that was underneath, her breath hitching when she discovered Lexa was braless. Lexa raised her arms in the air as Clarke removed the shirt.

Clarke stepped back to take a good, long look. She was transfixed. "You're so fucking beautiful," she said, her voice thick with want. She reached forward, cupping Lexa's breasts, as her mouth found its way back to Lexa's. While she busied herself with Lexa's luscious bottom lip, her thumbs rolled over Lexa's nipples, tweaking and circling, causing the brunette to stop moving her mouth so she could moan in pleasure.

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