Chapter 10

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Octavia walked into Clarke's house about an hour later. She went into the living room and stumbled upon Raven and Clarke sitting on the sofa next to each other. They had safety goggles on and clear, plastic rain ponchos. O just stared for few seconds without speaking, looking from one, to the other, and back again.

"You cleaning up a crime scene?" They just stared back. No one spoke. Finally, Octavia broke the silence. "What are you two jackasses doing? What happened?"

Raven started speaking slowly, "It started in the kitchen."

Octavia took a seat, she couldn't wait for this explanation. "Please, continue."

"It looked like your usual doggie accident. He lifted his leg to pee on the stool." She looked to Clarke for confirmation, Clarke gave her a nod of encouragement. They both looked a little shell shocked.

"The pee seemed to go everywhere, like a clogged paint sprayer. We chalked it up to an excited dog." She again looked to Clarke, who patted her thigh for support.

"But the second time, the second time it hit the ceiling. Straight up in the air. Then it took a hard right turn, I've never seen anything like it. I was the lucky one, got a little in my eye, my ham and cheese safe, but the pastrami," she looked at Clarke, who slowly shook her head from side to side, her bottom lip quivered a little, boy she was looking forward to that sandwich, "the pastrami was hit. It was hit and it didn't make it."

O contemplated the poncho wearers. "Where's the dog now?"

Clarke shrugged her shoulders.

"What's his name?"

"Piss boy," Raven said.

"Oliver," Clarke countered.

"Oliver! Oliver, come here boy," Octavia called. The dog wagged his way into the living room and went over to Octavia and sat down in front of her. "Are those Finn's briefs?"

Raven nodded.

"You put men's tighty whiteys on the dog?"

"No. We didn't just put men's underwear on the dog, that wouldn't be very absorbent, would it? There's a maxi pad shoved in there," Clarke said.

"We didn't have any depends, so we made do with what we had," Raven said proudly.

"You weren't here. Talk about a fucking golden shower. He must have peed eight times in the last two hours. It went everywhere."

"What's wrong with him?" O asked.

"Obviously his peter's broken," Raven said in a huff.

"Dog's peters don't break. Hold on." O got out her phone and dialed a number.

"Who you calling?" Raven asked.


"Who's Lexa?" Clarke demanded.

Raven turned and looked at her incredulously, "Who's Lexa? Your goddamn dog walker!"

"Oh shit, the dog police? Don't call her, hang up O, hang up," Clarke said as she made a grab for the phone.

O pushed her hand away and stood up, "I'm not hanging up...hey Lexa, it's O, I'm gonna put you on speaker, hold on. OK." She put the phone down on the coffee table.

"Hey O, how's it going?"

"Good, good, I'm here with Clarke and Raven. Clarke's dog has an issue."

"An issue?" Lexa sighed. "What's the issue?"

Clarke rolled her eyes, she heard it, she heard the sigh.

O continued, "When he pees it's shooting everywhere, right guys?" Raven and Clarke nodded.

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