Chapter 41

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Lexa was fed up, and damn it she needed to make a point. And goddamn she was tired of being called Linda, and god fucking damn it Clarke was so hot, even while being a pain in the ass. She stared at Clarke's back as she pulled some paper towels out of the dispenser. She weighed her options.

Fuck it, she thought. This was for bragging rights, that was it. Nothing else. She walked up to Clarke, grabbed her, spun her around, and smashed her lips into hers. She grabbed the back of her neck and held Clarke's head still while her lips and tongue and teeth had their way with Clarke's mouth.

The momentum of the kiss sent them backwards and they banged into the sink, Clarke's hands flailing around, looking for an anchor, or something, anything to hold onto, knocking the toiletries and tampons all over the floor. She settled for the small of Lexa's back, as both hands landed there and she pulled her closer. A small moan escaped from deep inside, as Lexa's tongue continued its assault.

They breathed heavily into each other's mouth, as they both came up for air. As soon as they caught their breath they went right back to it. Lexa tasted beer and peppermint from the gum that Clarke was chewing, and she would soon be chewing, because the gum in question was now tucked inside her cheek.

When she felt Clarke sag against her, she pulled back. "Ha! Your knees are weak, and you moaned, I heard you." She stepped away, breathless from the kiss, and tried to reel in her pounding heart. She had to fight the ache to pull Clarke back into her arms. She distracted herself from this thought by mindlessly chewing the gum that had recently taken up residence in her mouth.

"My knees aren't weak, I slipped," Clarke said between small gasps of air. She lied. She did feel weak. But now was not the time for the bare-naked truth. "And it wasn't a moan of pleasure, it was pain, you nearly broke my back when you threw me against the sink." She lied, again. Of course, she moaned with pleasure, for fuck's sake. Who wouldn't after that kiss? But no way was she going to admit that.

She wanted to make eye contact with Lexa, wanted to flash her angry eyes at her, show her how much the kiss didn't affect her, but her traitorous orbs seemed stuck on Lexa's lips. Their softness was like a siren calling her back to a rocky shore. Jesus Christ, Clarke thought, where'd that come from, enough, de-infatuation! The restroom suddenly was stuffy and hot. She felt a trickle of sweat roll down her back. Kissing contests were evidently hard work.

"It was a great kiss," Lexa said defiantly.

Clarke, not willing to give an inch, merely shrugged her shoulders. "It was, maybe, okay."

Lexa looked at her incredulously. She knew what she felt. She knew what Clarke felt. Her thumb at one point rested on Clarke's pulse point, and it felt like a jackhammer it was beating so fast. "Right. You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, over here in the real world, I know that was a great kiss, so why don't you just admit it? And while you're at it, you can admit that I'm a better kisser than you. Because, I know for a fact, that you can't do better than that."

"Pphhtt," Clarke spit out.  She looked at Lexa, blood racing through her veins. Did she just fucking dare her? She heard a dare, she was sure of it.

"You want great, you want great," she hooked her fingers through Lexa's belt loops and yanked her forward, "I'll show you great," and her lips latched onto Lexa's and her tongue pushed its way into her mouth, battering Lexa's tongue, chasing it around her mouth, grabbing her gum back. She pushed her whole body against her, sending them both back a couple steps and into the trash can, which couldn't withstand the onslaught and toppled over to the floor. The wall stopped their progress, as Clarke pinned Lexa against it, her shoulder knocking against a picture sending it down to the ground. Clarke purposefully made a point to grind her breasts into Lexa's chest, knowing how preoccupied the brunette was by them. The trick worked as Lexa whimpered softly, over and over again. Clarke broke it off, stepped back to put a little distance between them, "Now, tell me that wasn't great."

Lexa was breathing heavily, her lips swollen. It took her a few seconds to answer Clarke. "I've had better." She could lie just as well as Clarke.

Clarke narrowed her eyes. "What?" Clarke's heart was beating so fast she thought it was going to burst out of her chest, in fact, she was sure it had to be visibly beating through her shirt.

Lexa raised her chin a little, her breath still uneven. "I've had better."

Suddenly the ante was upped in this little kissing contest. And there was no way Clarke wasn't going to win. "I can do better," Clarke said nodding her head, the competitive juices flowing, "I know I can do better."

"Prove it, let's go," and Lexa waved her on with her fingers, with those long sexy fingers, her eyes dark now. Everything about her positively egging Clarke on. "Show me what you got, Clarke."

Clarke growled, she actually growled, and she came in again, tangling her hands in Lexa's hair, knocking her baseball hat off, pushing her into the other wall and knocking into the paper towel dispenser, loosening a bunch from underneath, causing a cascade of Kleenex one-ply multi-folds to pile up on the floor. As their mouths melded together, Clarke's tongue traced Lexa's bottom lip, and then she sucked it into her mouth.

Lexa's whole body quivered. She grabbed Clarke's ass and pulled it up and in, creating a little unexpected friction between them, and they both groaned. Lexa's hips twitched into Clarke's, as a hot, little jolt of desire shot through her lower belly.

They broke apart, and Clarke looked triumphant. "Take that," she said, poking her finger into Lexa's chest. She reached down and gave a quick tug to her shorts, which for some reason seemed stuck to her crotch.

Lexa's eyes were heavy lidded, and she may have swayed a bit, but she wasn't ready to concede. "Pphhtt. You think that was better? Really? I feel sorry for you, if you thought that was better," and she reached out and grabbed Clarke's neck again, and hit her with an open mouth kiss that would have dropped any ordinary woman.

But Clarke Griffin was no ordinary woman, not when there was a dare involved, so she stayed upright, sucking on Lexa's tongue that was so deep in her mouth she actually had to search for it.

Now the game was on, as each was exerting their will on the other, each setting out to prove their prowess as a top-notch kisser. Their bodies strained together in constant motion, moving in sync around the small confines of the bathroom, like two teenagers groping on a dance floor, swaying to music. If objects weren't bolted to the floor they were upended or knocked off kilter. The table by the door ended up rolling under one stall.

Hands began to get minds of their own, wandering over heaving body parts, knees trapped between legs, hips grinding, lips locked together. They slammed into the stall door, crashing right through it. The back of Lexa's legs hit the toilet and the momentum caused her to take a seat, but not before pulling Clarke down with her and onto her lap. Now she had the blond where she wanted her, in her lap, like her dream. Now if she could just get Clarke's shirt off.

"Oh crap, I meant to get some paper towels in the bathroom so I can eat my orange," O said.

"You're so healthy, baby. Beer and oranges," Raven teased.

"Shut it," O said, giving her a little shove.

"I'll run back and get you some," Raven volunteered. She got up and jogged the thirty yards back to the bathroom, pushed open the door, started to walk in, got an eyeful of Clexa, turned around with her mouth agape, and headed back out before the door could shut. She made her way back to the cart, sat down and looked straight ahead.

"Where's the paper towels?" Octavia asked as she opened her water bottle to take a sip, feeling the need to stay hydrated. "Babe? What's going on?" she asked, a concerned look on her face.

"We're gonna need a bigger bag of popcorn."


End of Chapter 41

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