Chapter 70

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Lexa's eyes slowly blinked open, her body feeling warm and cozy. When she realized where she was, she gave a start.

"Hey, it's okay, you're okay. I've got you," Clarke said, reaching out and stroking Lexa's back.

"How long was I out?" she asked, her voice garbled with sleep.

"About an hour."

"God, sorry. That must've been uncomfortable."

"Not at all. It was..." Clarke wanted to say wonderful. She wanted to say it was the best hour of her life. "Fine." She settled for fine.

Lexa struggled to get up, but Clarke was adamant, pushing her gently back down. "Hey, relax, it's okay. How's your head feel?"

Lexa gave up the ghost and collapsed back into Clarke's lap. Who was she to argue with a beautiful woman? Especially one Clarke Griffin, haunter of dreams and thief of hearts. Oh boy, that was goofy. She was definitely gonna blame that on the concussion. She turned towards the TV. "It feels a little better, thank you. What are we watching? Oh my god, is that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?" she asked, looking up at Clarke.

Clarke grinned, "Can you believe it? It's on AMC. Of course, I had to watch it."

"Of course, you did," Lexa said with playful smile. She turned her attention back to the TV. Clarke was rubbing a hand up and down Lexa's arm now. She was a little taken aback by Clarke's affection. Perhaps she treated all her patients like this. In her current condition, Lexa was not about to complain. It felt so comforting, so right.

"You know, this was my Gram Ev's favorite movie."

"It was?" Clarke's fingers moved to her scalp, massaging and rubbing, which was sheer bliss. Lexa closed her eyes and hoped she wasn't drooling. Dr. Clarke was aggressively affectionate, and she was digging it.

"Yep. She had a super big crush on Paul Newman. So, every time it was on, we would watch it together. We would both just lounge on the couch, all snuggled up, and watch it."

"That's so cool, Clarke. I wish I could've met her, she sounded wonderful."

"I think she would've liked you," Clarke said.

Lexa turned her head and looked up. "Yeah?"


Lexa got caught staring into blue eyes and couldn't look away. The look in them was different than any time before, softer, full of tenderness and care. Lexa fought the urge to pull Clarke down to her lips. She turned back to the TV before she made an ass out of herself, kissing her friend. She was probably just seeing things again, seeing things that weren't there, wishing to see things she would never see.

They both gave a jolt when Clarke's phone trilled, ringtone blaring. Clarke made no move to look at it as it lay on the coffee table.

"Do you need to get that?" Lexa asked.

Clarke sighed, not wanting to interrupt this incredible moment with Lexa. "I guess it could be the hospital." She reached out and grabbed it. One look at Caller ID and she gulped. Mom. She waited until it went to voicemail. Dread settled in the pit of her stomach. Pushing the playback button, she put the phone up to her ear. Her mom's voice was loud and agitated.

"Clarke, where are you? Finn's mom called and said you two broke up, what's going on? Why haven't you called us? The wedding is coming up soon, you probably just have cold feet. Everyone has been working so hard planning this, you can't just call it off. Now call me back immediately so we can fix this."

Lexa heard the whole thing. She got up and quickly moved to the other side of the couch, pulling her knees tight to her chest, a look of disbelief on her face, her mouth half open, eyes questioning. " broke up?" she stammered.

Clarke looked at her, nervously brushing a hand through her hair, and nodded.


"Last night."

Lexa's brow creased in confusion. "But you were with me last night."

"He showed up at the hospital looking for me. I missed his business dinner. I forgot all about it." Clarke took Lexa's hand. "You were asleep."

"Were you gonna tell me?" Lexa continued to hold her hand, refusing to break the connection.

Clarke half nodded. "I was...I just...needed a little time."

Lexa bit her bottom lip and nodded back, understanding in her eyes. She wouldn't be too keen to shout out to everyone that she was breaking off a three-year engagement either. A tiny voice in her head whispered, "Clarke is available now." And then, somewhere inside, a sprig of hope. An infinitesimal spark. A small seed planted deep in her heart. Would she have a chance with Clarke now? And if not now, someday?

Clarke glanced nervously at the phone, her mouth pinched with worry. "I think I have to deal with this." She looked at Lexa, letting go of her hand. "I'm sorry, I should probably go and call her. It's not gonna be pretty."

"Oh yeah, it's your mom, she needs to know. You gotta talk to her."

Clarke got up from the couch, and Lexa followed her to the door. She said goodbye to each animal, bestowing a kiss on each one. When it was Lexa's turn for a goodbye, she simply hugged her. "Make sure you get plenty of rest. I think I may just...take some time to process all this, you know? So, if you don't hear from me, I'm not purposefully ignoring you or anything like that, okay?" She pulled back to gauge Lexa's reaction.

"Sure Clarke, I understand. I'll be here if you need to talk."

Clarke reached up and gently cupped her face, her eyes full of warm emotion. "I know where to find you." She grabbed her and held her again, running her hands up and down her back, not wanting to leave like this. But she had to face the music with her family, and the sooner the better. So, she let go and walked away, turning once to wave.

Lexa smiled at her and watched her walk to her car. She leaned against the door jam, staring down the empty driveway long after Clarke had left. That seed in her heart? Just sprouted.


End of Chapter 70

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