Chapter 98

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Lexa was only too glad to yank Clarke away from the church. She pulled her toward the street, a wide grin spread across her face.

Clarke waved at Raven and Octavia while being led away. She was indescribably happy. In fact, she was so happy she swore music was playing in her head, like happy ending music when a movie was over. But when the motorcycle came into view, the music slowed and stopped. She skidded to an abrupt halt. "This is what you brought?"

Lexa rubbed the back of her neck, realizing maybe she should have sought alternative transportation. "Yeah? Maybe I didn't think this through."

Clarke peeked down at the wedding dress. "Maybe."

"My car's in the shop, but I guess I could have borrowed Anya's."

"Might've been easier."

"I'm not used to stealing brides from the altar."

"True. Just one helmet?"

"Shit. Yeah. I was in a rush."

"Understood, understood." Clarke glanced at the throng of people standing around the front of the church. Suddenly an image of Finn's parents charging out of the door with pitchforks popped into her brain. "We'll make the best of it. Let's go."

Clarke hiked the wedding gown up and held it in one hand. Her motorcycle anxiety kicked into high gear. She took a deep breath and let it out. This was the new Clarke Griffin, with a full set O' lady balls, she could get on the back of this motorcycle to be with the woman she loved.

"Here, you take the helmet." Lexa took off Clarke's veil and handed it to her, then secured the helmet to her head. Lexa slung a leg over the bike and waited patiently for Clarke to climb aboard. When she was safely situated, Lexa started the engine. "Ready my love?"

"I'm ready, baby. Let's go!"

Lexa put the bike into first gear and it jumped away from the curb. Clarke squealed and hugged herself tight to Lexa's waist. "Slower!" Clarke pleaded. "You don't have a helmet on."

Lexa smiled as the bike slowed to a crawl. She was the happiest person on earth right now. She had the woman of her dreams, literally...of...her dreams, hanging onto her as they made their way off into the sunset. It was like a fucking movie. Clarke slipped warm hands under Lexa's shirt and Lexa couldn't wait to get her home and out of that wedding dress. At their current speed, they should be home by the end of next week.

As they coasted down the road at ten miles per hour, a man on rollerblades cruised by. Lexa gave him a wave when he stared. "He's rollerblading, hon."

Clarke giggled in her ear. "And he just passed us."

"I know."

"I love you," Clarke whispered.

Lexa heart leapt out of her chest, knowing she'd go five miles an hour to have Clarke Griffin snuggled behind her whispering "I love you's" into her ear. Lexa smiled into the side mirror. "I love you too, Doctor Griffin."

Clarke smiled back. "Eyes on the road my love." Clarke never felt this free. Her soul was flying. She was sky high. She wondered if this was how Rose from Titanic felt, standing on the bow of the ship with outstretched arms, wind in her face. Minus the whole iceberg thing of course.

Lexa saw the look of joy in Clarke's face. "What are you thinking world renown surgeon Clarke Griffin?"

"I think I may not wanna be a surgeon."


"Yeah. Maybe I don't wanna be a doctor at all. Maybe I wanna be artist. Can I be a starving artist? Would that be ridiculous?"

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