Chapter 43

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The din was non-stop, so Raven tried to block it out. They all watched as she put her cigar down on the ground. She tried to swing with it in her mouth years ago, and started a small fire on her sleeve. Which O was quick to douse with beer. Having learned her lesson, she always placed it on the ground before taking her shot. She still had that shirt hanging in her closet. It was like a badge of honor or something. She liked to bring it out at parties and brag about the time she hit a perfect tee shot while on fire. "While literally on fire," was always added to the end of the story.

"Okay, ladies, watch and learn." She took the club back and swung as hard as she could on six beers.

They all watched the ball soar perfectly over the privacy fence, heading straight for the you know what.

"Holy shit, I think it's in the..." pool was spoken at the same time shrieks and screams came from the vicinity of the earlier revelry. 

"Oh fuck, she put it in the pool," Lexa said with admiration. That shot traveled a long distance. Perhaps the longest shot of the day, eclipsing the osprey moment on the tenth hole.

Soon the screaming stopped and laughter started up again, and the foursome was relieved that it sounded as if nobody had gotten hurt. Raven, who was just staring after her shot turned to the group, "Isn't that a free drop, since it's a man-made structure?"

Clarke was quick to answer. "I think that rule applies to things that are actually on the golf course."

They scattered up the fairway to pick up all the errant tee shots. They were waiting to hit their second shot when Octavia came walking up to Clarke and Lexa.

"Did you see Raven? She's gone missing."

Lexa glanced around. "Nope, I thought she was with you."

"She said she had to pee again."

Clarke looked over towards the trees and spotted some kernels on the ground. "I'm sure if you just follow the trail of popcorn, you'll find her," Clarke said.

They heard a squeal from the woods and out popped Raven, running towards them. "Jesus Christ, there was a goddamn snake in there. Probably a rattlesnake."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "Oh my god, you're not gonna let that go, are you?"

"It was a snake, Clarke."

"Oh please."

"I'm not lying Clarke, I'm not. You don't believe me? Okay, C'mon, I'll show you." She did not wanna risk being known as the boy who cried wolf, or in this instance, the girl who cried snake. She grabbed Clarke's hand and led her into the woods, with O and Lexa in hot pursuit.

"I peed over here, don't step in it, but he was under that bush, there, there!! There he is!"

"Fuck!" Octavia screamed as she bolted back to the fairway. She always had an unhealthy fear of snakes, ever since Bellamy placed a toy snake in their toilet bowl when she was little.

"Shit," Clarke shouted and she did the first thing that came to her mind, she jumped on Lexa's back, who caught her legs and held onto her, all the while slowly backing up from the reptile in question.

Raven peered at the snake. "Huh, now that I'm looking at it, I think it's just a garter snake."

Lexa looked closer. "Yeah, we don't have rattlesnakes around here, so I think we're safe. Clarke? As much as I'm enjoying this little cuddle session, I think you can get down now."

Clarke gazed down from her perch and looked at the green snake, he really wasn't that big, she thought. She hesitated, she was kind of enjoying her current predicament, Lexa smelled good from up here. Must be her shampoo. She reluctantly let go and slid down.

They piled back into their carts and continued on their way. The last few holes were uneventful, no near misses, no more snakes, a few watch the fuck outs, and much to Raven's disappointment, no more popcorn moments.

Finally, after five and half hours, the girls pulled away from their last green.

"We can shower and change in the ladies' locker room," Clarke said.

"What did we end up with?" O asked.

"Nine under, baby!" Raven said.

"Oh my god," Clarke said with wonder, "we have an actual negative number."

"Thanks to this one," Raven said as she grabbed Lexa around the shoulders and gave her a hug as they made their way into the locker room.

"My buzz is gone," O said sadly, as she placed her bag on the bench outside one of the shower stalls.

"Mine too, baby. The cart lady totally abandoned us for the last five holes."

"Thank god," said a partially sober Clarke. "I have to socialize with a bunch of bigwigs. And apologize to Dr. Kentman."

"Kenny and I are tight," Raven said. "Want me to talk to him?"

"No! God no."

"Maybe he was too drunk to remember," Raven offered.

"He's like, eighty I think."

"What? Eighty-year-olds don't get drunk? Where's my towel babe?"

Lexa looked at the stalls in front of them. "There's only three showers, so I can wait," Lexa volunteered.

All four ladies stared at the three shower stalls.

"My girl and I can share, unless you two wanna share," Raven said, looking back and forth between Clexa.

Clarke and Lexa immediately began stumbling over each other's sentences. "What? Why would we share?"  "We can't share." "That's ridiculous." "I barely know her." "That is so not happening." "Why would you suggest that?" "Crazy talk, there." "Can you imagine us showering together?" "We'd probably kill each other."

Raven waited until they were finished. "I was just kidding."

"Oh, okay." "Gotcha, that was funny." "I thought you were serious." "That was funny." "Can you imagine?" "So funny." "We don't even like each other." "Then boom, we're showering together?" "So weird." "Really weird." "Would be so strange." "Yeah, no."

Raven gave pause, making sure they were finished. "Okay, so, Octavia and I will take this stall here, and you two herpetologists each can have your own shower." Raven and O went into their respective stall.

Lexa looked at Clarke and asked softly, "What did she call us?"

"I think it has something to do with snakes," Clarke said with an eye roll.

"We're busted."


End of Chapter 43

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