Chapter 59

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Raven squinted over the rocks again as Joffrey began moving closer, leaving his cover. "Come and get it, Lannister!" Raven shouted gleefully, standing up, ready to fill the boy with paint, only to find that she forgot to turn off the safety. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" she yelled and was promptly peppered with paint from Joffrey. "Mother fucker!" She put her hands on her hips and was plunked one last time in the head from Joff, just for good measure. "Mother fucker!"

"Raven, he's twelve," O scolded, as she remained safely hidden from the enemy.

"So? Lex said to not treat him any differently." She put her hand in the air, waving it in surrender. "I'm out!" she called to the group. "Son of a bitch, I'll get that little fucker next game," she muttered.

Meanwhile, Lexa and Clarke were trying to make their way to the enemy's flag. They were currently hunkered down behind an old shed. They'd been relatively lucky so far, because the guys were preoccupied with Raven and O. But the enemy flag was still a good forty yards away.

Lexa was breathing heavily, but Clarke looked fresh as a daisy.

"How are you not sucking wind right now?" Lexa asked.

"I run a lot, relieves my stress."

"Huh, didn't peg you for a runner."

"Really? Why?"

"I dunno."

"Didn't fit with the uptight image you had of me?" Clarke asked teasingly. Before their most recent truce, that would have been said with a nice level of snark. But things were different. She was free to like Lexa. To enjoy her company. Clarke was quite happy to be at her side, and was thankful for the full-face shield, because she was sure there was a ridiculous smile on her face right now.

They both spotted Jasper and Finn creeping towards Octavia, and immediately started shooting. The boys dove behind a man-made bunker and remained out of sight. Lexa's shots nearly hit the mark, Clarke's went consistently awry.

"Damn, I'm not even in the same zip code," Clarke groused. "Why can't I hit anything?" she asked as she leaned into Lexa's shoulder. She told herself it was just to stay out of view from the enemy. But deep down inside she knew she'd do anything to cop a feel. Even one as innocent as touching shoulders.

"Paintballs drop in flight, so you just have to aim a little higher," Lexa explained. She made no move to break the contact, enjoying the feels as much as Clarke.

Clarke turned, tried again, and failed miserably. "Damn it! Let's hope we're not gonna depend on me to do anything."

As Clarke hunkered back down next to her, Lexa bumped shoulders with her. "You'll be fine, you look good. Isn't that your mantra? It's better to look good than to play good?"

"Well, that's Raven's, but yeah, I guess so." Clarke glowed inside, simply because Lexa thought she looked good in baggy jeans, a ratty sweatshirt, and a full-face shield.

"Let's go around and try to get to that pile of logs over there," Lexa said, pointing about twenty yards in front of them.

"Gotcha. Say when, commander," Clarke said cheekily.

"Let's go. Slowly though, see if we draw any fire. I'm not sure where the defenders are just yet."

"Can't we go out like Butch and Sundance? Guns ablazing?" Clarke asked.

"I guess you're Sundance in this little scenario?"

"Well, I am blonde."

"True, I'm okay with Butch, in more ways than one."

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