Chapter 49

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When Maya made it to the bathroom she shut the door and sat down on the closed lid of the toilet. She quickly made a Facetime call to Raven.

"Whaddup? Report in please," Raven said. She was sitting back in her chair, feet on a desk, popcorn in her lap.

"Clexa laughed together, repeat, Clexa laughed together."

Raven quickly put her feet on the ground. "Get the fuck outta here."

"I am not kidding. I wish I had pictures."

"What were they laughing at?"

"You, evidently you were very funny at the golf outing."

"Well, yeah, that goes without saying. I am highly entertaining," Raven quipped.

"Have to get back, catch you later."

"Okay girl, bathroom!" Raven shouted.

Maya nodded her head, and rushed out of the powder room to rejoin the dinner party. WWRD. Get them to a bathroom. The mission was clear. She came back into the dining room and took her seat. "Sorry, sorry, here I am, what did I miss?" she asked with smile.

"You didn't miss anything, honey," Jasper said.

"Lex, how are your dogs?" Aden asked.

"Didn't she tell you?" Clarke asked with a serious expression.

Everyone fell silent, expecting, perhaps, bad news.

"She's a cat lover now," Clarke smirked. "She has two new kittens at home."

Aden looked at Lexa and did a double take. "What? You hate cats."

"I don't hate them, I never said I hate them."

"I'm pretty sure you told everyone you hate them," Clarke said.

"You're both exaggerating."

"When did that happen, and why are we the last to know?" Maya asked.

Lexa looked at Clarke as she answered Maya's question, "I just got them a couple weeks ago. I mean, they were found a couple weeks ago, by the dogs."

"Too late, you said you got them, means you're keeping them," Clarke gloated.

"No, it doesn't, and no I'm not. I'm a dog person."

"You are sooo much a cat person now." Clarke was having a blast teasing Lexa. Her eyes sparkled with every light-hearted dig. "Did you name them yet?" She turned to Aden, "She refuses to name them."

"You haven't named them?" Aden asked.

Lexa eyes kept wandering back to Clarke. She found it hard to look away. "No, cause I'm not keeping them." She was thoroughly enjoying Clarke's playfulness.

"She is keeping them. Maybe we should brainstorm some names for her," Clarke said. "How about Fluffy and Muffy."

"Fluffy and Muffy? They're boys, I'm not naming my kittens Fluffy and Muffy."

"Oohhhh," they all said in unison.

"You said my kittens, you are so busted," Jasper chirped.

"Yeah, you're keeping them," Maya said with a nod.

"Cat person!" Aden said gleefully.

Clarke piled on, "Kitten lover!"

Lexa was busted. Caught red-handed. But she wasn't going down without a fight. "Nope, dog lover, through and through. No cats."

"How about Boris and Buster," Jasper volunteered.

"Not keeping them," Lexa said to the group.

"What color are they?" Maya asked Clarke.

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