Chapter 68

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When Lexa and Uncle Gus made it back to the farmhouse around noon, they walked through the front door and were surprised to find a welcoming committee consisting of Maya, Aden, Luna, Anya, and all four pets.

"Oh, hey everyone," Lexa said as she reached down to pet Yogi and Milo.

"My god, how are you feeling?" Maya asked as she gave her a hug.

"Ouch," Lexa said. "Sore ribs."

"Sorry, sorry." Maya petted Lexa's arm in sympathy.

"It's okay." She turned to Aden. "Hey little man," she said, giving him a high five.

"I brought you Call of Duty, in case you're laid up for a bit," he said.

"Thanks ma dude. I'll be sore for a few days, so this is the perfect medicine. Gotta practice so I can kick your ass next time."

Luna came over and gave her a smack on the lips. "You were lucky it's just sore ribs and a concussion. That could've been a lot more serious. I pulled the report."

Anya gave her a soft hug. "Yeah, Jesus Lexa, be careful! Can't have anything happening to my business partner, am I even in your will?" she asked playfully.

Uncle Gus gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I have to get going baby girl, you okay? I think I'm leaving you in good hands."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Uncle Gus, thanks for picking me up."

"Anytime, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure." She gave him another hug before he left. Surviving what could have been a serious car accident made you appreciate the wonderful people in your life.

Lexa closed the door and turned back to her friends. "Thanks guys, for being here."

"I made some meals for you and put them in the fridge," Mother Hen Maya said.

"Oh, that's so sweet, thanks. Sorry, I'm sure I look like hell." Lexa self-consciously patted down her hair. She knew she looked awful, found that out when she caught her reflection in the side mirror of the car.

Maya continued clucking over her. "You're fine. Nobody expects you to look your best after a night in the hospital."

Anya chimed in, "My god Lexa, you were just in a car accident, we don't expect you to look fresh as a daisy."

"Yeah, you ain't Wonder Woman, lady, you can look as bad as you want for a few days, we won't judge you," Luna said affectionately.

They all agreed, and she felt slightly better about her appearance. Lexa hoped she would be back to normal sooner than a few days. She could really use a shower, but her energy level was low. Just relaxing on the couch was the only thing on her mind. And hanging with all her close friends.

They turned the TV on and started making a fuss over her, propping her up on the sofa, getting extra pillows to make her more comfortable, getting her water, making her a snack, and basically waiting on her hand and foot. She was relishing the attention, as she lay prone on the couch. She promised Aden a rousing game of Call of Duty after resting her eyes for a few minutes. Bright light was causing her pain at the moment. They all insisted she not move a muscle, that they would take care of her. The kittens made themselves comfortable on her lap, purring and kneading. She closed her eyes and sighed with contentment, feeling loved.

Suddenly, there was the tell-tale buzz of incoming texts.

Luna, Maya, and Aden all looked down at their phones. It was a gif and a text from Raven:

Operation Popcorn is full steam ahead. phil has left the building, let me ELUCIDATE (Word of the Day, bitches!),
phil has left the building. it's over! wedding cancelled! C headed over to L's house now!! can you say, CLEXA!

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