Chapter 60

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Robert and Dave informed them that there would be a five-minute break before the next game, and that they should change out their hoppers to a new paint color. They all straggled over to the sidelines to hydrate and fill up with new paint. The boys noisily reliving their victory, the girls dejected over their failure. Suddenly Raven perked up as she looked off into the distance. She grabbed Maya's arm without looking at her. The rest of the gals took notice and turned to stare.

Luna approached, seemingly in slow motion, sauntering, knee-high black boots, her hips swaying in her ripped jeans, bullet-proof vest with SPD letters in bold white. Her helmet dangled from her hand. She had two pistols strapped to her thighs, and from far away what looked like bandoliers across her chest. As she got closer they turned out to be three rifles of varying sizes. When she made it to the group, she crossed her arms. "Who's on my team?"

"ME!" Raven and Maya screamed simultaneously, throwing their hands in the air, waving frantically.

Octavia turned and stared at Lexa, who raised her eyebrows and snickered, her mouth silently opening, "The Luna Effect."

O crossed her arms and shook her head. Between The Luna Effect and her period, she was about to go postal.

Some of the boys nervously cleared their throats. "You know this is paintball, right?" Finn asked, a little jittery at the display of weapons adorning the tall woman in front of him.

"Yeah, um, those aren't, uh, real, are they?" Bellamy stuttered.

Luna gave them each a contemptuous glance. "If you had a vest on, it wouldn't matter."

Bell and Finn, who were vestless, gulped.

Suddenly Luna was all smiles, "I'm fucking with you, boys. I'm just fucking with you."

"Whew," Bellamy said, returning her smile. "Damn," he nervously laughed, "those pistols looked real." He turned towards Finn, "Right?"

Finn nodded, clearly relieved.

"Oh, these are real," Luna said seriously. She pulled one out of the holster, checked the clip, slammed it back in. "Glock nine-millimeter Luger." She pointed it at Finn, who yelped and turned his back. Luna shot him in the ass. Yellow paint splattered like a fried egg.

Finn howled, grasping at his backside.

"I'm just fucking with you," Luna said with a devilish smile. "They're not real."

"Ah, is that...ah...a grenade launcher?" Brian stammered.

Luna re-holstered her pistol, and pulled the heavy rifle off her back, "Yeah, it's a beauty, isn't it?" she said lovingly, caressing the barrel.

They all noticed the grenades adorning her belt. "Is that legal?" Bellamy asked with apprehension.

Luna narrowed her eyes. "Who are you?"

Bell stuck out his trembling hand. "I'm Bellamy, Octavia's brother. I think we met at Raven's party."

"Oh, okay," Luna said, as she slung her grenade launcher onto her back and shook his hand. "Nice to see you again, Bell." She turned to Finn, "And who are you?"

Raven, who'd been standing next to Luna the entire time, imagining she was some sort of second, was quick to whisper in her ear, "That's Phil."

Finn stopped rubbing his ass long enough to shake her hand. "I'm Finn," he said "We met at the party, too. I'm Clarke's fiancé."

Luna shook his hand also. "Yeah, you should have a vest on, Phil. Hey Clarke, you look good." She went over and pulled Clarke into a hug.

"No, I'm Finn," he corrected, but Luna was too busy hugging up his future wife.

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