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"I hate you. I really hate you. I hate everybody right now. And the only thing stopping me from killing everyone in this room, is you look fucking adorable in that shower cap."

Lexa smiled and adjusted the duck-covered shower cap on her head. "Breathe Clarke. Breathe. One more push, just one more."

The attending ob-gyn barked out instructions. "Dr. Clarke let's give it one more go."

Clarke was still a doctor, opting to stay in medicine. She bought a family practice near the farm and found it more rewarding than surgery, becoming one of those rare physicians who still made house calls.

"The head's crowning. This is the home stretch now. I need you to push."

Clarke geared up for the last push. "If I shit this table, it does not leave this room."

Lexa laughed and wiped the sweat off Clarke's brow. "Baby, nobody will know. Except little Eve. Or Alexander, when they're old enough to laugh at it." They didn't know the sex of the baby, preferring to be surprised.

"Very funny. Why didn't I get the epidural?"

"Cause you wanted to go natural. Now push baby, you got this."

Clarke heaved, muscles bearing down. "Jesus Christ it feels like a bowling ball!" she yelled.

Lexa flinched at the string of curse words that spewed from Clarke's mouth as she howled in agony. And then it was over, the head slipped out, followed by the little torso, and tiny toes.

Tears of happiness filled Lexa's eyes as Eve Griffin-Woods barreled into the world. She cut the cord and watched in wordless wonder as the staff took baby Eve and cleaned her up. Rushing back to Clarke, she kissed her sweaty forehead. "You did it, Clarke, you did it! Oh my god, she's so beautiful. I love you so much." The nurse came over and placed baby Eve into Clarke's arms, and Lexa exclaimed, "Look at her."

Clarke cried as she held her baby. Despite all the talk from her mother these past few years, about how she would be able to try again after the miscarriage, doubts had plagued her. Until now. "She is beautiful. I can't believe how tiny she is." Clarke glanced at Lexa, who bent over and kissed her gently on the lips.

"You're both beautiful."

"I love you so much. Sorry for cursing at you for the last two hours."

Lexa giggled. "You sure used some words I've never heard you say before. But it was all worth it. She looks like you, you're both gorgeous. And, you didn't shit the table, so there's that."

Clarke gave her a tired smile as she nuzzled Eve's tiny fuzz-covered head. "You better go let the troops know."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Lexa left the delivery room, still sporting the shower cap. She walked into the waiting room to address the gang, who all wore crazy colored shower caps.

"Well?" Raven asked.

"It's a girl!" Lexa shouted.

The room erupted in whooping and high fiving. Lexa passed out candy cigars and hugged everybody.

Raven whipped out what looked to be a ten-pound bag of popcorn. "Biggest bag you can buy, bitches!"

"When can we see her?" Octavia asked.

"In a little bit, I'll take everyone back for a quick visit. Just hold tight for a while," Lexa said.

Back in Clarke's room, Abby and Jake cooed over their new grandchild. Abby held the swaddled newborn carefully in her arms.

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