Chapter 57

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Raven and O walked into Lexa's store. Raven made a quick grab of O's arm, "Isn't that Luna?" she said, her voice tinged with awe.

"Yeah, I think so."

"We should go say hi, don't you think?"

O shrugged her shoulders, looking over some new dog bones. "I guess."

"Or maybe not." Raven had developed a little crush on Luna after her dildo demo, which was odd because Raven wasn't one to crush. She couldn't even remember the last one she had. This was unfamiliar territory. Now, she wasn't calling into question her love for Octavia. This was simply a little infatuation, that would never be acted on. "Or maybe we should, what do you think?"

O stopped and looked at her. "What? Go say hi for god's sake."

"No, I don't wanna bother her." Raven kept craning her neck to get a better look at her obsession.

"Since when are you so shy?"

"She probably doesn't remember me, uh, I mean us."

"What's with you?" O didn't wait for an answer as she held up a Kong bone. "Do you think Roscoe would like this bone? We can fill it with peanut butter, then maybe he won't chew on the dildo."

The mere mention of dildo sent an involuntary shiver down Raven's spine as she remembered the way Luna's hips moved. "Maybe she'll come over and say hi."

"We met her a couple weeks ago, she probably remembers us. I mean, you were dancing around the living room with a fake dick on. I kinda think that's hard to forget."

"Did I look good?" Raven asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

O continued to pick through the dog bones, knowing that her beasts usually chewed through something in five minutes. They were hoping to find something that kept them occupied longer. "What do you mean did you look good? Who cares, you were drunk, and it was your birthday."

"Well, did I look like a douche?" she asked.

"I didn't think so," O said absently.

"You really think she remembers me?" Raven's eyes were still glued to the auburn-tressed goddess at the register.

Octavia put her hands on her hips. "Oh my god, are you crushing on her?"

"Huh? No. What? Maybe?"

"I hate to tell you this, but the chances of you ever hooking up with someone like that are unpropitious." O put her hand up for the high five.

But Raven wasn't paying attention, in fact she wasn't even looking at her. Part of her brain knew a big word had been spoken, and her hand waved in the air aimlessly, looking for contact. "I'm assuming that means highly likely," she said with some assuredness.

"You assumed wrong. It means the exact opposite." O smacked Raven's dangling hand. "Jesus Christ, close your mouth."


"Oh god. You're lucky I love you. Now get your head out of your ass, and let's find some new toys for the dogs."

They started to walk away, but Raven's eyes were on the front of the store, and she walked into a display of dog sweaters that was at the end of the aisle, sending them crashing to the ground.

When she looked up, she caught Luna leaning back, giving her a stare down, eyebrows raised. Embarrassed, she hastily ducked into the cross aisle, putting herself out of view.

O looked at her. "Jesus, pick that up," and she gave her a little whack on the arm.

Raven kept herself hidden, save for her toe, which was the only thing visible as she slid it in and out of the main aisle, gathering up the fallen merchandise, sliding them one at a time over to her hiding spot, where she could then bend over and pick them up.

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