Chapter 29

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Clarke made her way to her office to dictate her notes from the surgery. She had a hard time concentrating, her mind circling back to the look that passed between her and Lexa in the waiting room. She probably imagined it. Yep, definitely imagined it. Maybe she was having a hard time separating dream Lexa with real Lexa, that was probably it. Dream Lexa would have given her that look, real Lexa would have smirked. It must have been the smirk, not that look of want she thought she saw. How many steps were in this de-infatuation program? Christ, she couldn't get off step one, which was, what? Stop thinking about her? And what happened to being a jerk around her? That flew out the window as soon as you looked into those damn green eyes of hers. Ugh. And oh my fucking god, girlfriend? You said girlfriend?  Idiot. And she was friends with a kid, how sweet was that? Oh, Christ. Now she's sweet to boot. Her twelve step program just doubled.

She got pissed off, and started berating herself. "You are being ridiculous, you don't like her, she doesn't like you, she practically sicced her dogs on you, she almost killed you on her motorcycle, she...she smirks at you, all the time...she..hates cats, she..."

"Clarke, who you talking to?" Monty asked as he poked his head in the door.

Clarke looked up startled, evidently her inside voice was louder than she thought. "What? I'm just, ah, dictating some notes."

"Oh, I thought you were talking to someone."

"Nope, what's up?"

"You going to Raven's party next week?"

"Yes, Finn and I will be there."

"Okay, we'll be there too. Any ideas for a present?"

"Popcorn?" Clarke suggested.

"Popcorn?" Monty asked.

"Never mind. Just get her some beer, she'll love that."

"Good idea, thanks. Catch you later." And with that Monty hustled out the door, leaving Clarke to her multi-step de-infatuation program. Step one, stop thinking about her...

* * *

"Oliver, stay." Lexa held her hand up and backed away from the dog. She made him wait in place for a good minute. "Oliver, come." The dog happily bounded up to Lexa and she gave him a small treat. He was progressing nicely and Lexa was proud of him.

"Does she know that you train her dog?" Anya asked as she sauntered over to where Lexa was working with Oliver.


"Why do you do it?"

"Why not? He's a good dog, just needs some training. I enjoy it, you know that." She reached down and scratched him behind his ears. "They ready to load him up?"

"Yeah, here, I'll take him over." Anya took the leash and led Oliver over to the van.

Lexa went back inside to her office to work on the payroll. A half an hour later Anya came in, followed by Yogi and Milo. She was carrying a small box. Lexa looked up from her laptop, and pulled her new glasses off. Fewer headaches now, evidently she needed glasses when she looked at a computer screen.

"We got a problem."

Lexa looked at her dogs, expecting the worst, "Shit, what did they do?"

"Boys, sit," Anya said to the dogs. Both sat immediately, Aunt Anya usually meant business. "Down." They dropped like rocks.

"Sometimes I think they listen better to you than me."

"They know who's boss. You're a pushover."

"So, what's this problem."

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